MovieChat Forums > The Crown (2016) Discussion > I wondered why Margaret Thatcher was str...

I wondered why Margaret Thatcher was strangely attractive

Took me a whole episode to notice it was Gillian Anderson! She is good.


I recall the news months ago that she was playing Thatcher, but completely forgot until I was halfway through season 4. So annoying and pretentious.


While I enjoy the show, it has a history of casting actors notably more attractive than whom they are playing. Prince Charles has gotten off particularly well, but Anderson as Thatcher looks much too young and good-looking. I generally love Anderson but her Thatcher is little more than a caricature (so far... I have watched the first five episodes of S4).


Video of the real Thatcher reveals that she actually looked and sounded younger than Anderson is portraying her.


She was but they had her play Thatcher as if she was a broken down old woman when Thatcher at the time was much younger and more capable.


Exactly right.
