The Real Thatcher

Is not the one Gillian Anderson plays. The Thatcher we get in "The Crown" is like an SNL caricature. A quick perusal of video of the actual Prime Minister reveals that she looked younger and actually did not shuffle around infirmly or speak like a ninety-year-old stroke victim, the way Anderson does.


I agree, I feel like the writers really made her look bad due to her being a Conservative. She was in power for a decade, hard to believe she was that hated when she kept winning elections.


Exactly. The show's writers want the audience to dislike her, yet at this point I find her the only likable person. The royals come off like a lot of obnoxious twats in comparison.


The Royals this season were all horrible. In the past seasons I have liked Philip and Margaret at times. I liked Anne as well but this season they are just terrible even Margaret has become a rude snob.

I have always been cynical about Diana too. Once she realized she could manipulate the people and the press it was a game changer for her.


Yep, I had the same reaction. It was a hugely disappointing portrayal.



When Gillian Anderson opened her mouth and started talking as Thatcher, I actually had to pause for a moment because because I could not believe what I was seeing/hearing. Her performance was closer to an imitation of Dracula that it was to Thatcher. It was embarassing. I immediately started to search for reviews of her performance, and I could not believe many thought she did a good job, And she is a great actress... what happened?



thought it was good until I saw your post. I went back and watched some video of Thatcher and your are correct. although entertaining it sounds nothing like her.


I thought her performance improved somewhat as the season progressed - or perhaps I merely adjusted to it and began to accept it - but yes, it was pure caricature. To be fair to Anderson, I doubt it is easy to portray Thatcher without slipping into parody, but they could have tried a little harder.


Thatcher was much more masculine in her personality and body language. Gillian portrays her just as a b**** with a smokers voice.


When an actor manages to portray the real-life character in such a manner that it evokes the same feelings in me as I had towards the real person, I call that a good acting job.
I hated and despised Thatcher, and I found myself hating and despising the character portrayed.


Yes, but Thatcher didn't have a smokers voice. So why was Gillian doing it like that? as I said above too, Thatcher was slightly ''butch'' in her personality. Many people who spent time with her always said ''I almost forget she's a woman sometimes''. Gillian failed to portray that either.
