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XIMDBsux (15)


A bit of a mish mash What a turkey Dreadful wrap-up to the end View all posts >


Didn't like it much, although it had its good bits. Pushing an agenda, was how it seemed to me. Wasn't against their religion, they were forbidden to swim by their overlords in the High Schloss. Via a Ouija board? Then right at the end, a character drops mention of them being on the move for six months. I'd be surprised if it weren't God, America and apple pie, to be honest. Thankfully, it's not overt, not like some sort of campaign, but mostly good entertainment - of a particularly dark, nasty, vicious kind sometimes. :) "Play Dirty" is highly recommended. I made it to ep 5 and wiped the rest. It's bad. When an actor manages to portray the real-life character in such a manner that it evokes the same feelings in me as I had towards the real person, I call that a good acting job. I hated and despised Thatcher, and I found myself hating and despising the character portrayed. Jebus, that faux-pas of Philip's had me gobsmacked and determined to find out if that was fiction or not. Assuming, for the moment, that it was factual, the African gentleman was dead proud of his medals being recognised and probably (guessing for the moment) won them during the war in East Africa when the British drove the Italians out of theatre. For Philip to have such a lack of nous doesn't surprise me at all, as he became notorious for his outbursts and oh-so-comical witty repartee (some of that may be ironic). All of them and here's why: they're all fine actors. I've been binge-watching for the past few weeks, about an episode a day. Some of the characters are witty, annoying, dreary, irritating, screechy, draggy, frivolous, intense, superficial, greedy, generous etc, etc. That's because the roles the actors play call for it and they do a really good job at it. I must admit some parts seemed to drag a bit, and it's like the storylines were being bogged down, but things recovered and reached yet another height. There were times I thought I'd just delete the rest unwatched, but persevered, and I'm glad I did. View all replies >