MovieChat Forums > Yellowstone (2018) Discussion > Too conservative, too republican ?

Too conservative, too republican ?

It just feels like the cast and crew are Trump Fans. I stopped watching long ago. Even part of the cast is anti vaccine.


Agree. They should banish all shows where *some* of the characters might be hard working, God fearing, America loving Neanderthals.

Even part of the cast is anti vaccine.

That's their prerogative to put themselves at risk - it's a matter of choice.

Meanwhile, lots of cast members of other TV shows are actively pro-abortion - right up there with the most inhumane and disgusting practices in human history. If I let the murderous politics of actors determine what entertainment I could or could not watch, there wouldn't be much to see.


Wait, wait, wait... people in 2023 who dare to have different opinions from the mainstream rainbow cult!?
The horror!

They must all be canceled right away!


Good morning
Here in LA people are constantly demoted, moved to the mail room or even fired for being GOP. We have companies going through your social media, Im talking companies with access to friends only platforms, probably using IA, collecting everything. Contracts are lost, friendship broken, deals terminated if you are GOP. Its a bit dangerous as its all controlled, management by fear. LA is an echo chamber now.


There's just as much Woke propaganda in the show. They are probably poking fun at Conservatives.


I'd be surprised if it weren't God, America and apple pie, to be honest.
Thankfully, it's not overt, not like some sort of campaign, but mostly good entertainment - of a particularly dark, nasty, vicious kind sometimes. :)



Democrats and Liberals DO NOT like successful people in any way shape or form -- UNLESS of course they give the loser liberals $$$s

Go back to All In The Family, or some other comedy that doesn't require any thinking--- Like your life
