Harold Wilson

They made Harold Wilson seem like a decent guy. (I am not implying at all that he wasn't. Just making an observation).


Writer Peter Morgan clearly has a fondness and great respect for Wilson.

When I saw his play The Audience in which Helen Mirren reprised her role as the Queen, it was revealed that - according to heresay and gossip, Wilson was supposedly the Queen’s favourite prime minister. Obviously, she would never officially make such a statement but Morgan does consistently portray him as warm and decent and their relationship as less distant/impartial than with her other PMs.


I always thought her favorite was Winsty


We’ll never know for sure. Morgan’s portrayal of Wilson was, I believe, based on rumour and word from people who have worked in the palace. Plus, I guess the writer himself is a hardcore Labour supporter, and Wilson was working class and very left wing.

I’m sure she had huge respect for Churchill but it was likely on a much more emotionally distant, purely professional level.


Taxman Mr. Wilson.
Taxman Mr. Heath.


Wilson was left wing, but not working class. Like in the series he was a dilettante.
