
Damn, that was the best episode I'd seen yet!

Elizabeth feels for the plight of the unemployed man who breaks into her bedroom and talks with her about the situation under Thatcher, and imagine my rage when Thatcher dismissed him outright as a lunatic who should be sectioned. When Fagan warned Elizabeth that Thatcher was possibly after her job as well, she noticed this for herself when Thatcher was enjoying her Falklands War victory parade complete with military aircraft flypast, as if SHE were the Queen!

I despise Tories, always have done, but I would've been just 10 or so when this happened, so I didn't experience the unemployment situation for myself, but MAN, did that scene with Thatcher make me want to hurt her!!



About 90% of the show is fiction. Are those documented portrayals of their reactions?


Who says that amount of the show is fiction?


Numerous articles exist comparing truth to fiction. Admittedly, my 90% is made up (as are most statistics).

Plus if no one witnesses a conversation, it is fiction by definition unless some documentation supports it.


I don't know how old you are, kwestmo, but I heard this fact on the news back in the day when it happened! I'm sure that Fagan gave testimony about his talk with the Queen to the police, and I'm sure that the Queen said a few things about it too, like reassuring others of her safety for one thing! I believe it happened, millions do!


I do recall the event. What i said what I don't know the various people involved (Elizabeth, Thatcher, Fagin) said or did afterwards.

Your post indicates that you don't know either. You "feel sure" and you "believe ".


All I heard at the time was that a man infiltrated Buckingham Palace, made his way to the Queen's bedroom, and while frightened, the Queen engaged him in conversation and he never harmed her. I think he just wanted to make his point directly to someone who he thought could do something.


I agree.
