Season 5 trailer

It looks bad. "Cheapness" is what everything screams from this trailer. That "Bittersweet symphony" song that has been used to death in Hollywood. And people always associate it the movie where they first heard it. For me it was Cruel Intentions ending.

The most important - new actors dont look like posh royals. Queen is the worst. Elizabeth had so much "quiet grace" about her. New actress looks like she grew up on a farm and accidentally bumped into palace. She looks cheap. All I can think is her Harry Potter character when I look at her.

Actor who plays Charles is too famous and just looks like himself. They should have gone with unknown actor like with young Charles. Diana has been done to death and can be played by any actress, even Kristen Stewart. Diana is caricature on herself like Elvis.

New Philip looks even cheaper. He doesnt have any grace about him too. Matt Smith was the only good Phillip.


I actually liked this trailer. I wasnt planning to watch this season because i dont like the Charles-Diana storyline very much,but this trailer convinced me to keep watching



Philip is my favorite. I think because I don't follow the Royals that much I can watch the cast and not care how close they are. But I love Johnathan Pryce so was excited to see him. I have actually liked all the castings for Prince Phillip. I don't know anything about him in real life but he's my favorite character on the show.

I'll admit, the only queen I have liked was Clair Foy. Very elegant and human but regal. The other two are just too cold for me and once the stories started shifting from her storylines to everyone else; she became a side character so it's hard to relate to her. Maybe that is how we are supposed to feel but I don't like it.


The show has never been really good at casting people that fit their real world counterparts. Every new casting since season 2 has seen constant bitching from viewers. It's nothing new and it's not what they are really focused on. Look at the casting for Churchill. He was a short man. So who do they cast???...Tall non english John

It's about the dramatized story. That is all. Soon it will be over so it doesn't matter anymore. Guessing 1 more season. Still an enjoyable watch ...
