MovieChat Forums > The Crown (2016) Discussion > Season 5. Episode 1. Its so bad

Season 5. Episode 1. Its so bad

Decline of quality is staggering. Everything looks like it was made by Lifetime channel or its some Princess Diaries movie with Anne Hathaway. On top of that it was so boring.

- Dolores Umbridge looked like she still thinks she is in Harry Potter

- The High Sparrow looked like he still thinks he is in Game of Thrones. None of them looked like they were Queen and Prince Phillip

- Elizabeth Debicki looked like she hates Diana and Diana looked like she was drunk or mentally challenged.

- Whoever Dominic West played it was not Charles. Zero resemblance in looks, manners, actions. Its like he was thinking he was in Princess Diaries, playing Anne Hethaways dad.

- Jonny Lee Miller was looking lost, like he didnt know why he was there.

And I’m confused what to do next. To watch this trainwheck further just to see how bad it is or leave it. But its just so boring. Such miscasting with every actor. Its like suddenly they got its budgets cut and ut was made by different people. There was grace about it. Specially in season 1-2. Everything was so posh and glamorous. You had the feeling like you got inside that royal life. Like people knew what they were talking about. Now it feels like American producers who were never in England - made a movie about European royal family based on other American movies about royal families.... And none of the actors look like they are royals.


Personally I thought the first few episodes were pretty good and the rest got incredibly repetitive.
TEN episodes covering a failed marriage that lasted less then 10yrs and she's still not dead yet.
Did NOTHING happen in the Commonwealth that could suspend this Chuck/Di soap opera?
I must agree about the physical appearances. Terribly distracting.


I think the eps are mixed. Some are better than others but I agree that there was some stuff that could SHOULD have been trimmed. I found the Fayed parts utterly boring. In “Couple 31,” after watching the first 2 segments with random couples discussing their marriages, I started skipping those parts. I also skipped a lot of the scenes of Natasha Macelhone (sp?) and Jonathan Pryce. Zzzz.

I loved the performances of Staunton, Manville and Williams. Everyone else was “okay” except for West, whom I just couldn’t see as Charles, and Debicki whom I think could have been better if she hadn’t been simpering so much and looking downward almost 100% of th time.

Quote: Did NOTHING happen in the Commonwealth that could suspend this Chuck/Di soap opera?

I suppose they could have shown what Andrew was up to during that period. Was he out on Little Saint James island with Ghislaine Maxwell, enjoying the company of underage girls?i


The "Divorce" episode was the most boring. Random couple sitting and saying why their marriage failed? No thanks.
