MovieChat Forums > The Crown (2016) Discussion > Depiction of Charles and Diana

Depiction of Charles and Diana

Its funny how press and Hollywood always hated Charles and painted him as some bad and evil person. And Diana is always this poor oppressed princess that suffers injustice and is being bullied by those Evil Royals and their System.

And creators of Crown are no different. But STILL Chartles comes as sympathetic person and victim of his status in that tv show and Diana looks like as selfish hysterical woman that she was. Because when you put aside emotions and take facts of what was happening and put them on screen what you will get is that Charles was forced to marry a woman he didnt love and could not marry the one he truly Loved (Camila). And he tried to play that marriage smooth like all royals always did. But Diana was impossible to deal with as she was hysterical sociopath and was always throwing tantrums for no reasons.

She never loved Charles too and married him only because he was prince and she wanted to be princess. But then didnt want to work that marriage and started to poison mood for everyone and throw hysterics and tantrums for no reason. Even after she divorced. Because she was still unhappy even after she left royalty. And I suspect it was because she was bipolar or some other un-diagnosed mental illness. If she would be alive today then she would probably reveal one day that she was moody and depressed back then because of undiagnosed mental illness like many American celebrities do. And that she didnt know back then because it was not a thing.


I liked the series up until they got to the Charles and Diana years, then it got tiresome. I heard all about them in the 1980s and 1990s and got thoroughly bored. I didn't think either of them was a particularly interesting person, so I didn't care to see their lives dramatized. Sorry Elton, I just wasn't captivated.
