MovieChat Forums > The Crown (2016) Discussion > Have to give them credit for portraying ...

Have to give them credit for portraying Diana who she really was - egoist, infantile, sociopath, egomaniac idiot

I've noticed it before with younger Diana. And I watched 2 episodes of season 6. And it was again so noticeable what a horrible person Diana was. Hollywood and documentaries like to ignore and embellish Diana and portray her as some saint and poor victim of evil royal life.

But when this show takes straight facts of what she was doing and simply translates it on screen - you can see what a horrible, spoiled and entitled brat she was.

She married Charles without loving him only because he was prince and she wanted to be princess. Then kept throwing tantrums and hating him while in marriage. Instead of just trying to co-exist like all other people in royal marriages did for centuries. To show up for events, pictures and then do whatever you want in private. But no she acted as he and whole Crown was the villain and she was poor victim.

Then she dumped him and trash talked father of her children on national television. Trying to destroy them. When it didn't work - she started sleeping around and causing scandals just to piss them off knowing how they care about their image and what press writes.

And it was so visible here in her Dodi Fayed time that she didn't give a crap about him and hooked up with him only because he was muslim and she knew it would drive press and royals crazy. And she probably wanted to marry him. Just so that "future king would have muslim stepfather".

The way she posed for paparazzi on that lake, yacht. When even teenage William was fed up with it and decided to play video games inside house until they leave. There was zero spark, nothing between her and Dodi. He was just her another tool to hurt royals who she was obsessed with.

And it was never enough. She had her whole world at her feet and all she could think was how to get back at royals. And it was very showing her performative in her charities. One second she sits and chills on yachts, drinking and sleeping with Dodi Fayed. Then jumps to private plane and flies to Bosnia and shake hands with poor locals and pose for pictures how she walks in gear on fake minefield. Just to get that credit from press for being so charitable and "peoples princess". Then jumps back on private plane and returns to her rich posh life that royal status provided her and for which Crown is paying I assume. Or her rich lovers.

Everything was just so fake about her very well crufted public persona. There was something wrong with her mentally. She truly was obsessed with royals and could not let go despite herself dumping Charles and Crown.


Man, I want to have your problems... or maybe not. Either way, get help?


I don't know if she was "a horrible person", but her sainted status is certainly a hyperbolic case of overrating. I always saw her as an average-looking, not-too-bright, uncharismatic, social-climbing chick who married a man she didn't really want--either stupidly or opportunistically. I've never understood the worship, but maybe that's because I'm not a gay man.


Same. Press kept idolizing her. But all I saw was "average-looking, not-too-bright, uncharismatic, social-climbing chick who married a man she didn't really want--either stupidly or opportunistically". That's very accurate description of her.

And I didn't even knew back then all those details of how she was behaving behind closed doors. Which we see a glimpse in Crown because they just put on screen all known facts of what she was doing. It's crazy what tantrums she was throwing while being with Charles and being young and then having small kids. And then Dodi happened.

It's very obvious she started sleeping with him only because she knew it would drive nuts Royals. And she didnt care about her sons feelings about all of that. She only cared about herself. She complained about press attention but its very obviously she loved it and fueled their interest.


You called her infertile?


No. That's two different words

infantile is no infertile

'Infantile" means childish and immature behavior. This is a mental state in which adults regularly display immature and childish ways of behavior: lack of autonomy and desire for dependence, reluctance to take responsibility, avoidance of conflicts, self-centered view of the world.


So what are you saying ? Didn’t she have kids ?


Maybe that word is not used much in USA. So you dont understand contest. She was behaving like immature spoiled child. Which you could clearly see in ep 1,2 of season 6


Infantile is a common word in the USA. The captain is being obtuse.


The media also called her a bearded momma


Judging mainly how the relationship is portrayed in this show, I can't blame her for what she did. She was treated horribly by the royal family and Charles was awful to her. No wonder she developed so many issues.

All she wanted was to be loved by a prince, instead she got a frog that was never going to change into a prince. If I had been Charles, I would've given her the fantasy she wanted every day and night, especially at night when it's bedtime. hahahah...

She would have been putty in my hands and would've been totally dedicated to the royals! Instead the ridiculous Charles goes for Camilla, The Plain Jane of Cornwall. What a dope...


It was tragic for all involved that Charles, like his uncle, could not marry the woman he loved without repercussions.


Pfffft... tragic? Who knows, thousands of marriages end in divorce anyways. No telling what kind of marriage they would've had with the ones they actually wanted to be with.

My uncle used to tell me to marry the one that is crazy about you, not the one you're crazy about. lol...

He might have had a point. Especially when it comes to men, we are pretty basic creatures, give us sex and food and we're fine. Women are a lot more emotional, and need astute listeners and nurturers/providers. Which is hard to find in a man. That being said, Diana just wanted the fantasy life and that would've been really easy to provide.


People like Diana simply can't be dealt with. No matter what you will do and how you will try - they will always walk with miserable faces and would poison all the mood around. Charles could kiss the earth she would walk and she would still hate him. Because it was never about her. She would hate any royal husband. And any husband in general. Thats why she was miserable even after she won public side and Royals let her go to do whatever she wanted.

She would dump Dodi pretty fast. Of if she would agree to marry him - she would treat him the same she treated Charles.


Did you know Diana personally? Sounds like you did.

Strictly going by whats portrayed in this show, the royals were pretty cold towards Diana and she was deeply hurt by the fact that Charles didn't really love her the way she loved him. That would mess up anyone...

Sure, she could've handled things differently, but she was young and didn't really understand the quagmire she found herself in. How would you have handled it?


She never loved him and married only because he was prince. Then hated living, sleeping and spending time with man she never loved. And threw tantrums.


We must have watched two different shows. lol...


lol at you actually believing "she was deeply hurt by the fact that Charles didn't really love her the way she loved him". she hated him. probably thought love would come later when marring but it didnt


I do recall a few scenes where Diana looked rather disappointed when she found out about the other woman.

And when Anne explained the situation to Elizabeth, it didn't seem like she made it out to be all Di's fault. Sure, she was glad Charles was a prince but I thought her feelings were genuine, at least in the show they make it look like it was.

Who knows what the true story is, TV programs are doing a lot of guess work when they put these things together. None of us know for sure what Diana's true feelings were towards Chuck.


There are a lot of stories about real Diana. There was even one about her being bored with him during honey moon. As he was liking to take a long walks around Balmoral and read and talk to her about it. And she hated it and was bored. And that she wasn't smart and quite stupid. And couldn't keep up with him and all that royalty.

I don't blame her for being bored. I blame her for throwing tantrums.


She had the issues already before marrying into the royal family. Her parents’ divorce, abandonment of her mother, messed her up.
