MovieChat Forums > Good Behavior (2016) Discussion > How can a white woman have a fully black...

How can a white woman have a fully black kid.

Kid is fully dark. Not even mixed? How is this possible?

You never see a black woman having a fully white kid?


You realize that is not really the actress' kid, right? Hopefully they picked the right actor for the role and weren't trying to just find someone who's skin pigment fit the part.


You mean like this?

You never see a black woman having a fully white kid?

Like her?

Or her?

How is this possible?

Genetics are a funny thing. What appears to be one thing, may not be.

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.


Thank you. I appreciate you showing these photos. I hoped these would be the exact pictures you posted. Paula Patton and her son with Robin Thicke meet the criteria, although I realize he looks like both his maternal and paternal grandmothers.


C'mon now. Yes, it's possible for a white woman to have a child who looks 'completely black' but it's not particularly likely. Letty's son could also have come out albino in theory but why not simply cast a child who looks stereotypically mixed and/or somewhat like Michelle Dockery? He is supposed to obviously be her child and it's remarked on more than once that they look alike. There wasn't even an attempt to get this right...

Patton and Rowell are described as 'black' because of the one-drop rule, to have blonde blue-eyed children both mothers would have to possess the apparently recessive traits for those things which would make them pretty mixed themselves. So what has happened in those cases is that a family has been getting progressively 'whiter' and there is a visible continuum and gradation within the family... they don't drop off a cliff edge from one race to another, as with Letty's son... People can only claim the situations are analogous because of the collective illusion which permeates American society wherein people are conditioned to describe as 'black' a person who does not look black simply because that person has a parent who was also described as 'black'. Furthermore, to add to the confusion, the label 'black' represents a cultural identity as well as an external appearance, which means that sometimes people who don't look black, or who look mixed, identify, or are identified, as black on the grounds of shared culture or for reasons of political expedience. There is thus a large category of 'completely black' people, euphemistically described as 'light skinned blacks', who appearance-wise look to be descended from both white and black people. To illustrate, if a white mother had a child who looked like Vanessa Williams nobody would be surprised notwithstanding the fact that Vanessa is 'completely black' because her parents are both 'black'. The actor who played Letty's son is not 'light skinned' though, IMO...

Barack Obama is potentially an example of the white mother-black child dynamic But this dynamic is not simply the flipside of 'black' mother-white child dynamic, it is completely different. Because as I have said, American society is much more flexible with the black (or 'black') category than it is with the white category so a lot of supposed black mother-white child situations are really 'almost white' mother-white child situations and not comparable to what is happening on the show. That being said, I think Barack looks mixed race, albeit not particularly in the photos you have linked. Kimora Lee Simmons is the only well known example I can think of where her child has arguably be come out looking completely black although his mother does not look black. The caveats are a) the Dad is Djimon Hounsou, one of the blackest black men on the planet b) Kimora herself is part black although it is not obvious (I consider her son what is called a 'throwback') c) Kimora is not mixed with white but Asian (supposedly Japanese). I haven't watched the season to the end but if Letty's ex-boyfriend turns up and is also at the extreme end of the black person continuum then I will be satisfied that consideration was given to what tends to happen in real life, which is that, all things being equal the child's shade will be somewhere in-between the parent's. Or of course the explanation could be that Letty is part black herself but I see that as unlikely as I am sure it would have come up as part of the plot by now (also for reasons mentioned in my penultimate paragraph).

A lot of what I have said is subjective, the main point to make is that fiction does generally attempt, to show and not tell us, information of this nature (e.g. all the Weasleys are ginger, Malfoy father and son have white hair, Targaryens all look like *this*, Lannisters all look like *that*) . We are not all genetics scientists but we have all seen that children tend to resemble their parents and actually, in fact, yes, where skin pigment is concerned, the process is much like paint being mixed. I am not sure how comprehensive your links are but I wonder if people who have seen the fathers of the children in question, as well as the mothers, would really have been that surprised about how the offspring ended up looking.

I was about to make a point that if Javier were originally identified as Argentinian in the story that they could have cast a blonde, blue eyed person or a Japanese person but that they chose not to because the show is not interested in subtleties or outliers. But I don't know if in this case they made the character Argentinian to fit the actor. I think as a general point it's a fair one however, actors onscreen are usually representative of a type unless their unusualness is a plot point.

There are some people all over this board moaning about 'PC' casting, it makes no sense. The reason this kid was cast was the same reason that Chicken George from Roots, who was obviously supposed to be mixed race, was more black looking than his mother who was obviously supposed to be close to fully black. Because white people do the casting and normally they do not pick up on this stuff because they do not obsess over skin shade and 'exotic' looks the way black people do, I mean they do suffer from colorism but I think less consciously and not as much as non-whites. I'm fairly surprised that any white person (for sure the 'PC gone mad' complainer) noticed this kid. But mostly because the fact that Letty has a mixed son who is played by a black actor is nothing to do with political correctness.

The actor appears to be fully black because the casting director was not sensitive to the diversity of appearance within the black community and what tends to trigger that(it's not because he was 'the best actor for the job'! How many lines does he have? pfft). This happens all the time Chicken George is an egregious example but also pretty much any show with a black family, like the Cosby Show (where Bill has two obviously mixed race daughters). Based on my experience, the character is mixed not to fill a diversity quota but rather as tangible proof of how low Letty sunk in her life. She had sex with a black dude and probably more than once. Same thing in Traffic and Requiem for a Dream - you know the white girl's drug addiction has hit rock bottom when she starts messing with a black guy. Couldn't be less PC in intent, honestly. In one episode I saw the beginnings of an attempt at subversion of the trope, when Letty's friend says that Letty 'likes black guys' but isn't that just saying being with black men is still a deviation but just one more specific to the character rather than the circumstance? Although I will say, I was looking up the Letty Dobesh novels when I was trying to establish if Javier was always meant to be Argentinian and I saw that in the book the son lived with his paternal grandparents in Oregon? My gut feeling from that info is that he is not mixed race in the books. If so, this was a regrettable change because I am absolutely convinced it was done for the most retrograde reasons.

They also shouldn't have cast a woman who had had such an obvious nose job as Letty's mother but I guess the pool of such actresses in Hollywood is shrinking by the day...


"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson


I love how so many people are experts on black peoples skin tone. Fully Black?
Black in America often already means mixed race. I am a huge mixed up genetic melting pot and define myself as black. Primarily due to the time I was born and raised ( born in the 60's). If I was born now I might call myself mixed.
As I child I live in a sunny climate and was pretty dark, now I live in in the north and dont get nearly as dark. My parents got lighter as they aged as well. So what does it all mean? My kids by a white father, are the same color as me, and dont look like him at all. My sister who married someone the same shade as her (who is hispanic) has four kids all different shades of brown- 2 are redheads.
You never know what you are going to get, when people with different skin tones have kids. It is not mixing milk and coffee.


See the examples Gaelin posted. Also, here's another example:


OMG, REALLY? It's like a poster said in another thread on here, it's not like mixing paint. Go peddle your ignorance somewhere else; maybe Maury Povich has a slot you can fill.


Time for some people to move on from their obsession over the kid's 'blackness'.

Jaan Pehechan Ho


It's possible both ways. I actually know a guy who's half Chinese, half black, but he's as dark as Jacob and at first glance you'd never know he was mixed. Children can even be genetic throwbacks, meaning that if you have another race somewhere in your ancestry, two white or two black parents can have a child of a different race (skin tone wise) than them. That's the beauty of genetics. Usually bi-racial children come out in the middle, but a child can also be at one end of the skin spectrum. There are cases of twins with one who comes out "black" and the other "white."

There are plenty of examples of this throughout the world and are quite interesting reads.

Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are. -- Machiavelli


They should of case a lighter skinned black boy. He obviously looks fully black and it takes away from the realism. My brain keeps thinking that the kid was adopted by Leddy, since it is not possible for a milky white woman like her to produce a fully black human.

Diversity is Strength
1. Migrate 2. Replace 3. Destroy 4. Repeat


A lot of white people have never noticed that black people do tan and fade. He was probably cast in the winter, as announcements for several other cast members went out in January, and may have been darker by the time they started filming in spring or summer in North Carolina.


There are some really stupid ignorant people in this world. Do we educate them or insult them for their ignorance? I'm truly not sure.

kyjoe do you live in Iowa, Kentucky, Kansas? If you lived in a normal place like New York or Cali you would most likely have met some mixed people and see that mixed people can come out looking like a mix of both parents or they can come out looking like just one of the parents.

Millennial = Homo Sapiens born 1990 or after; Losers who think they know everything but don't


These people who obsess over the skin pigment of actors aren't worth arguing with. I just block them and at least improve my conversations on this website.


i could give two *beep* what color he is. it's the acting i have a problem with. it's just ok.


^ Agreed.


" it's the acting i have a problem with. it's just ok."

Yeah, the concerns raised by the OP seem pretty ridiculous. Having said that I think the actor playing the kid is kind of mediocre. In an otherwise great show I am having difficulty with his character in terms of persuasiveness.
