MovieChat Forums > Good Behavior (2016) Discussion > How can a white woman have a fully black...

How can a white woman have a fully black kid.

Kid is fully dark. Not even mixed? How is this possible?

You never see a black woman having a fully white kid?


Actors are "genetically mis-cast" all the time. Two blue-eyed parents with a brown-eyed kid. A person and their clone with different eye colors. Chin dimples don't check out. Siblings look nothing like each other, kids look nothing like their parent, etc. If you're getting upset that the actor is "two shades too dark" for this to be "likely enough" for your taste, then you better get upset about ~ 50% of actors cast out there...


What the heck is "fully dark" or "fully black", as have been used in this thread? How does one measure that?
For that matter, I know people from India and Bangladesh whose skin tones are darker than this kid's.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


The kid is indeed kinda dark, but what bothered me even more in the last ep was that the actor they got to play the father is lighter than the kid! Considering how pale the mother is, if those two indeed had a child, it would have barely looked biracial at all!


Not necessarily, depending on his dad's parents.



Damn! I was about to go back to the OP to post before I read yours, and I just had to agree with you. This entire thread is so disturbing on so many levels.

I'm the first one to support typecasting in many cases; Downton did it superbly, with all three daughters clearly resembling either their mother or grandmother(s). But hell, even there, Cora didn't look at all like her mother, or indeed, not at all "Jewish", which her character was actually half. In the next years, especially in Europe, after the end of the show, the focus on that subject will regain its historical significance in new and horrifying ways. The fact that these same themes are being discussed so casually here without even an acknowledgement of the intrinsic wrongness of this sends a shiver down my spine, especially in light of this new political reality. To use a similar anti feminist analogy, it's like reading a commentary on the size of the female actors' breasts.

That's not to say there isn't a time or place for discussion about genetics, or the unique genetic profile of African Americans. Henry Louis Gates ' show on PBS does this superbly. Those of you who WANT to learn and obviously have zero knowledge about history and the science of genetics should watch. But like it or not, casually throwing around uneducated thoughts while debating the casting of a black actor as the son of a white actor issues indeed sound racist. To answer the question of a previous poster who asked whether to try to educate, I'm becoming increasingly despondent about the possib of ever succeeding in that regard. When I try to do so gently I'm usually argued with. When I do so more forcefully I get labeled. It's really scary to feel that we in the US are once again living in the worst part of the most bigoted, sexist, isolationist years of the 20th century.


Please ignore my typos, caused by autocorrect on my iPhone. My computer is down and I don't know how to edit a post. Thanks.


Really? Actually, really??

Ummm, President Barack Obama has a Caucasian mom and he doesn't resemble her in terms of physical skin tone. Please look around. Be enlightened and informed.


Really? Actually, really??

Ummm, USA President Barack Obama has a Caucasian mom and he doesn't resemble her in terms of physical skin tone. Please look around. Be enlightened and informed.


Eh have you send Obama's father? He's Blacker then Black yet Obama still only has medium brown skin, way lighter then the Letty's kid.

The point the OP is trying to make is a valid one and most people on here are missing that point, if the kid's supposed to be biracial then get a biracial kid to play him, what is the problem with that?
