Jurassic best to worst

JP (the all time unbeatable classic like Jaws was to its sequels)

JW:FK (1st half is like a better version of Lost World with abit of JPIII. but 2nd half is like a gothic house hammer horror with some really creepy & lol moments. way better than JW imo)

JW (was ok but could never watch it again and pretty sure only seen it twice in total)

JP:TLW (so disappointing, that summer of 97 - Batman&Robin & this)

JPIII (actually think I prefer JPIII to TLW..)



Not seen 5 yet.


1.) jurassic park
2.) jurassic park: the lost world
3.) jurassic world: fallen kingdom
4.) jurassic world
5.) jurassic world III


Snap, buddy!


JP1 (Obviously)
The Lost World


1. JP
2. TLW, JP3, JW (Hard to choose between them, and while JP3 is usually considered the worst one, it's a kind of guilty pleasure. Not to say Sam 'Motherfucker' Neill is back)

(Yet to watch FK)


JP3 could have been a great film if they had added another 20 minutes or so to it.
That ending was so abrupt and unsatisfying. But other that this, it had some really good scenes.


Agreed. It's a strange movie, a few changes from being a very good one. But still, to be honest, I enjoy it more than TLW.


For me it is:

JP > JW > JP2 > JW FK > JP3

But that doesn't say much, since I absolutely love every JP/JW movie! they are all 10/10 for me.


Not yet seen Fallen Kingdom but. . .

1. Jurassic Park - the original, the classic, the smartest film of the bunch and the one that does the best job of eliciting that sense of child-like wonder that one should get from seeing dinosaurs do stuff.

2. Jurassic World - the first one since JP to actually have a layered plot that goes beyond the very simple "Ahh, dinos! Run!" I mean, yes, obviously it has that but it actually puts together a story that's more than the bare bones narrative offerings of II and III.

3. JPIII - yeah, I know it's widely regarded as the worst, but if you just approach the film on its own terms and accept it for the B-movie it is then it's a fun enough adventure. I was quite disappointed by it when I first saw it but it's grown on me.

4. The Lost World - It has its moments, like the T-Rex attack on the bus, but overall I just find this one to be too dark--both in tone and visually--and it's easily the least rewatchable in the franchise for me. Not an outright bad film, but Spielberg certainly wasn't on his A-game here.


1) Jurasic Park
2) The Lost World
3) Jurassic World
4) JW: Fallen Kingdom
5) Jurassic Park 3

The first is obvious. I think the second still had some of the magic of the first, with an amazing soundtrack, and Goldblum saves the weaker parts of it as well. JW was ambitious, but flawed; still i appreciate the try. JW:FK was a huge disappointment. Pretty much of a remake of TLW, but on steroids. Not as creative, and the new characters are absolutely 2 dimensional. It's a wasted opportunity for me, and i believe it'll critically destroyed, thus will have a great effect on the future of the franchise. JP3 was a half baked, directionless mess. Though some parts of it were enjoyable.

I honestly don't have high hopes on the 6th movie...


Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park 3
Jurassic Park 2
Jurassic World
