Why was Goldblum In This?

Easy paycheck i guess


I was going to say exactly that, but you beat me to it.


Just a cameo I guess. I was actually expecting him to join the team on the island as a nay sayer but that never happened.


they needed something to rev up the fanbase I guess and he was available. when I reviewed the movie I barely even remembered he was in it at all.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested- https://youtu.be/h6L_Jlj8OzM


as far as i remember, he said (during the production), he wasn't sure if his scenes will even stay in movie. so i didn't expect more than this.


they offered him a role and he accepted ?


Yep, the money. That and so they can show his scenes in the trailer and make it look like his part is it's than just a cameo to help get bums on seats.


from Jeffs pov its a few mill for a little scene maybe an afternoons work

from the filmmakers and the audience's pov it adds value to the film as hes an integral member of the Jurassic franchise (hes kind of like the Spock/Solo/Marcus Brody to Alan Grants Kirk/Luke/Indy)


You have to remember, the WHOLE movie is about the MONEY. Not just the cameo but the story as well.


Fan service for older fans...
