MovieChat Forums > Baskin (2016) Discussion > Anyone seen it? why the low rating :(

Anyone seen it? why the low rating :(

Rating is 5.4 but the trailer looks Terrifying! I wouldn't normally care about scores on IMDB but another horror movie that looked awesome and scary as well "The hallow" 2015 also known as "the woods" had a 5.2 rating which I ignored. The movie really sucked unfortunately haha!

Was wondering is anyone that has seen Baskin had a opinion of the film???

"There are some that call me..... Tim"


I liked it - I have no idea why it's so low. Considering the junk they are cranking out, I thought it was refreshing and well done. Acting, atmosphere and cinematography were above average. Extra points for no shaky cam. My guess is that some things were lost in the subtitles/translation. Priest was creepy.


It's interesting. I let my opinion in a review:

It's not your usual jump-scares based horror, maybe that's why people didn't like it. I don't know, I dig it. It's having some bad points too, it's getting a little weird, but it can be pretty scary.


"It's not your usual jump-scares based horror"

it's actually less.

PS: Do your SEO somewhere else.


Yea, sorry, in the meanwhile, I had to switch the domain and learned more about SEO too. I edited the links. - Horror, B movies & Extreme Cinema Reviews


hey, no prob.

if you are using wordpress, i recommend the seo plugins from team yoast. apart from seo i strongly advice you to get WP rocket as well.


It doesn't deliver. At all.

To say "jump-scares based horror, maybe that's why people didn't like it" just makes you sound like you're generalizing people below your level of viewing. It's boring, for one, the Turkish to English subtitles were non-sensical at times, it started to lose complete order of any level of "story telling", the characters were annoying, the gore was lame, the last 30 minutes or so (if you haven't shut it off by then)just fails so hard on every level.

It's tiring. I can't believe I just responded to some clown pushing his lame website, but I bit.

At least B-movie grade films don't take them too seriously, this one did.

2 stars and that's being generous.

Do not waste your time with this steamer.


I disagree.. most horrors released by Hollywood these days are disappointing James wan jump scare crap.. at least this was artistic, intriguing and thematically horrific.


Saw it at a film festival, Dundead at the DCA. Lots of good elements didn't come together to make a story. It's yet another horror where they try to get away with not explaining things by going surreal.

It was intense, gripping, the acting was great, the group chemistry, the creepy stories about the area they're in. It was all very very effective, but there was no rhyme or reason to what happened. And the horror parts were... icky. The organiser made reference to Hellraiser for the nature of the monsters, but it wasn't established really.

Occasionally with horror films you can fill in the blanks based on the content of the film. The same night I saw The Hexecutioners which also didn't explain things properly, but there was enough given to make reasonable assumptions.

Dum Spiro Spero


it definitely referenced Hellraiser, even the family aspect. left me wondering if the uncle brought Arda there on purpose. I mean, saying you'll raise a kid doesn't mean in what tradition.

Mehmet Cerrahoglu who plays "The Father" is fantastic! those aren't makeup effects, it's all him. I was shocked that find it's his first acting role. I hope to see him more.

Arda being the bloody figure the van hits at the end matches what The Father was saying about the cycle of Hell, you end up dying and being reborn forever. so for Arda, that's his hell, seeing his uncle and comrades go through all that.

the eggs likely reference homunculi. have fun googling!

7even days


Thank you, that does work.

It comes down to a preference on my part where I feel I have seen too many supernatural horrors that end in three ways: they were all dead, it was all in someone's head, it's a loop. The problem is that I like to try to work it out and unless they are done well these endings are too often a cop-out for not really explaining anything.

I will hold my hands up, I enjoyed Baskin right up until there was nothing practical to guess at, and the language barrier may have stopped me appreciating the ending I did get. Your explanation is enough to warrant another go.

Dum Spiro Spero



Well, you've probably seen it by now but I thought it was alright. It was surprisingly very well made and well acted, it also had a solid atmosphere. In fact, the first half hour is pretty damn good, sadly in the third act, it completely falls apart. The film is very Clive Barker-esque and does that sort of thing alright, personally, I'm not a big fan of torture porn movies. I watched this back to back with Last Shift and thought Baskin was far superior, it was better made and despite it's weak ending, the ending to Baskin was still better than Last Shift's ending. 5/10.


It's at 5.7 now and I can't imagine how it got so high. It's mind-numbingly predictable and stupid, nothing but an excuse for coprophagy and gore, much of which is laughably badly executed (I'm not kidding, I laughed at how bad it was in parts). One of the very few movies I've ever rated a 1 here, in thirteen years.

If I hadn't been watching it as a social activity, I would've turned it off, and the idiotic, corny ending made me think I really should have bailed anyway.

For anyone who checks in to this topic now: Just go watch Hellraiser instead, any one of the series that has Pinhead in it. It's extremely similar, but with the great difference that that will be entertaining.

"I've only really liked a handful of people in my life, and you've been two of them."



I´d give it 6/10, saw it last night and belive the low rating is because it doesn´t really have any story to follow like most other films have apart from being quite a disturbing horror film. However I think more people will discover it soon and it´ll probably be a bit more famous, it reminded a lot of the Silent Hill video games.


it was better than i expected, with a 5.4 rating. i'd put it at least at a 6.4. even though it's uneven, it's miles better than american horror.

people compare it to clive barker/dario argento and i can see elements of that. i'd watch it again.
