MovieChat Forums > Sneaky Pete (2015) Discussion > Scenery-chewing Cranston

Scenery-chewing Cranston

Is the over the top acting intentional?


Honestly, he is the weak part of the show. I found his acting atrocious. He seems to be so busy being full of himself that he forgets to act. I love the show but he is the one that ruins it with the acting.

"Relics of ancient times. Lonely cenotaphs. Standing along that melancholy tideland."


looks like as a producer he gave himself a lot of unnecessary footage. long speeches that mean nothing


I'm not impressed with him either. I remember him being so much better on Breaking Bad. Here he feels a bit over the top especially compared to Ribisi whose acting is so much more natural than his.


One of his character's stories took 9 minutes! The breaking the kid's arm and then shooting him. "You bought you fix it" story. What a waste.

I loved Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad but this is ridiculous.

My boy Giovanni Ribisi is killing it so far in Sneaky Pete. I love that guy! My favorite movie of his is still probably "Boiler Room"


omg yes! That story was sooo long and boring!


especially considering he could have just handed the dude the bolt cutter and said 'you broke bought it' with no further explanation. the audience would have understood


While I agree with you all on how it made you feel, I think that was the whole point. The character was a full of himself, blowhard, long-winded, egomaniac. Inside you just wanted to scream STFU, but that would cost you a bullet to the head.


i was transfixed to the screen during that story

Lee's Daniel's' THe Butler'


So was I. I was memorized hanging on every word. I thought Cranston did an awesome job. Charming but with this viciousness and menace just beneath the surface.


Boiler Room is great. I think my favorite performance of his is from Sam Raimis' The Gift.


His characters personality is classic NPD (narcissistic) and having dealt with some I can tell you his performance is spot on for the most part. With a bit of psychotic tendencies sprinkled for good measure lol


I usually love ve all of his performances, but I agree with you. It was like he was in a idiffe ent show han everyone else. I thought all the other actors were excellent



From the NY Times review: "Some of the new characters, like a parole officer who’s aggressive in his efforts to empower ex-cons, aren’t convincing, and an eight-minute monologue for Mr. Cranston’s character that’s meant to be a tour de force lands awkwardly."

More like a train wreck in slo-mo, but a lot less interesting.


The whole show was formulaic (Especially around the last two or so episodes. And I realize it wasn't trying to be anything spectacular overall. A tried and true formula etc. We're reverting back to the days of almost sitcom-level implausible scenarios and flight of fancy,..and I guess that's fine. Hyperrealism can grow old even though I prefer it.) and Cranston's character was among one of the most formulaic (the 'zany' cop brother was probably the most cookie-cutter of all), but oddly enough he was the only character other than Pete that actually held my interest. Probably just because it's Cranston and I even found the character jovial in his menace. Guy's likable in everything. I'd enjoy his presence even if he were crushing elderly invalids' spirits.

Overacting? Sure. But it's strange to me that people just now are catching on to Cranston's overacting. I felt like he overacted more in episodes of Breaking Bad than anything - turned in uneven, but good-all-the-same performances. Also, of course plenty of his acting bordered on stellar as well, in BB; the crawl space scene is probably one of the most evocative scenes in television, in recent memory, based on acting alone. Hell, his earlier comedic roles hinged on overacting, so this was never a shocker. How people missed this in Breaking Bad early on is beyond me: I believe it may have been season 4 that was most rife with this evidence, yet I'm fairly certain that's the critical darling season.

I concur 100% with the long speech(es). I was uncertain whether this would be praised for realism and 'amazing' acting or bore others tremendously like it did for me. For once, I feel reassured. But Cranston the least interesting part of the show? Not even remotely. Why single out that character specifically when they're all cut from the same uninspired cloth? If anything it'd be the character of Audrey. Banal, and so one dimensional as to be forgettable. Can't say much for the grandfather either. Even Eddie. Julia was properly annoying; I was rooting for her death by the end of it--her playful banter with Pete felt so forced and cringy you could momentarily believe you were watching a show on the CW network. I suspect many people will like her though, for whatever reason. Victor Williams was good in it as the virtually monosyllabic crony with mild empathy. Ah, and Malcolm-Jamal Warner stole the show. I forgot about him. Sure we've seen the whole juxtaposition of characters in positions of authority with eccentric sides where they like to proffer T.D. Jakes-like platitudes they cull from dimestore garbage, but his flourishes with the *beep* or an eagle' talk were used to the point of absurdity where it actually became amusing. He did a good job with that character.

It may sound as if I didn't like this show, which would not be the case. I thought it was okay, and saw it to the end. At times I even enjoyed it a lot. But it was, again, very erratic, and the phoned in melodrama of the last episode almost killed it for me. It also played out with the same structure of a bad heist movie. The conclusion was ham-fisted, and, to me, discredited all the decent buildup up to that point.

"My boy Giovanni Ribisi is killing it so far in Sneaky Pete. I love that guy!"

You would be an SP to him. Better hop on the Dianetics train if you want his mutual love.


One of his character's stories took 9 minutes! The breaking the kid's arm and then shooting him. "You bought you fix it" story. What a waste.

I like Bryan Cranston and I like him in this show, but that was excruciating.

And I don't care if a character has NPD, there are other ways of showing it besides torturing the audience. If you haven't watched that scene before, you aren't going to fast-forward, because you're afraid you're going to miss something! Then you realize how much time you just wasted. haha


I don't think he meant to suck so bad but his talents were wasted here and his character was one of the worst.
