MovieChat Forums > Sneaky Pete (2015) Discussion > Scenery-chewing Cranston

Scenery-chewing Cranston

Is the over the top acting intentional?


yeah it's quite bad. if he's the creator he prob cast himself. bad choice. gonna destroy his legacy from Breaking Bad. haven't seen "why him" but it looked to me like a poor choice. now he's probably made this choice based on his success as Walter White but they're not qute the same character. Walter White was scary in a different way. mostly because he was out of his depth and reacting in desperation. also he was willing to do anything to protect himself. But this is a tough guy role and i didn't buy it. plus this monologue was ridiculous. i was so bored i ddn't even catch it all but i think it revealed he used to be a cop. and maybe it showed how his whole crew listened while he waffled on to prove they feared/repected him. and also it was trying to build the tension for what would happen to Eddie and how Vince was so cold hearted he would tell a story like that but it did nnot achieve its goal. another post on here flagged a similar speech by Mike in BB. prob stole the idea from there but the execution paled in comparison. the pilot hooked me but after that i llost interest. didn't really give a *beep* aboout the con they were running in the end or what happened to any of the characters. except maybe the brother. kinda felt bad for him.


Destroy his legacy? That's really a stretch. I don't even think it will slightly mar his 'legacy'.

As for the mention of the 6.5 rating, I'd say that's close to about right. I would have said 7.2, 7.3. Something like that. But if the paint-by-numbers, cookie cutter formula of The Americans can garner rave reviews, it's not so shocking. The IMDB forumgoers are usually a more prickly bunch; harder to please - which SHOULD be the case I think, though nitpicking gets taken overboard. For most it's probably just a diversion. A fun show. And consequently constitutes great, in their eyes. Doubtful that any serious forethought was placed into a good many of the reviews.


The 9 min story was the highlight of the season for me.
It was a tour de force.

Remember this is a Dramedy... and his over the top performance is a nice contrast to other sub-plots.


I enjoyed Cranston in Breaking Bad and Seinfeld but I do feel he sometimes has a habit of overacting scenes. That nearly 10 minute monologue was beyond excessive.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


I think you are being a bit unfair. Cranston's character is supposed to be over the top, so that's how Cranston is portraying him. So blame the writer or director if you don't like it.


I can't believe the trash coming out of the comments here saying that story was long and boring... that was great!! I guess you thought Mike story in breaking bad was boring too when he told a story/. or Jaws Indianapolis story

Come on guys your kidding!! that scene was brilliant and great acting because it felt REAL, and he told the story perfect
