Not that good.

If you want to see a movie no character development, not understand what anyone is saying and even know the names of the characters then this is the movie for you.

Also, how was Tom Hardy able to coast in his plane for a least a day and not even land on the allied beach?


I got tired of the constant thumping/suspenseful music that was literally present for 90% of the movie. Give it a f'ing rest already.


OP is entirely correct. This movie was a boring disappointment. (And because you're about to bring it up: I've seen many hundreds, perhaps thousands of movies, dating from the 1910s to the present day, yet I've never seen a "Transformers" movie and have no interest in doing so.)


I personally wouldn't say *boring*, per se (although it's certainly ok if you found it so), but I definitely enjoyed Darkest Hour more. I did have difficulty with the non-linear plot (it didn't fail here; it just didn' on all cylinders), and the overall lack of character development meant the only person I ended up caring about was Kenneth Branagh, and that was only because I knew who he was.

Also, it wasn't until I read a review of the film later that I realized that a mole was similar to a pier. This isn't really made clear in the movie, so each time the film referenced the mole, I thought there was a traitor among the British soldiers, and I kept waiting for him to show himself.


It reminded me of Lancelot charging the castle in The Holy Grail.
