MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > you're deaf, live alone..and no gun... you're deaf, live alone..and no gun? lol

..gotta love horror

- soo, she lives alone, deaf, and no gun?..interesting.

...Did it ever occur to Maddie that umm,, something bad could happen when you live out in the woods and by yourself? lol.. OR the fact that it's just nice to protect yourself with a gun eh.

...i guess having a gun would end the movie in ten minutes eh lol

..this was well made and creepy tho, i did enjoy it.



A lot of people don't even consider things like this. Personally, I would but that doesn't mean that everyone else would too.

Respect what you have 🌌


Ah, should have scrolled and sw your topic before posting mine. Same issue. Love the movie but could not help but think why she, deaf and alone, did not have a hand gun.


To answer the original question:

It only seems obvious to you to have a gun because you see it as a horror movie. She sees it as real life. In real life, you rarely need a gun, even in isolated areas---ESPECIALLY in isolated areas. Fewer people means fewer threats. I grew up in a creepy looking part of the country, and we never had a gun. Even left our doors unlocked at night. If we were in a horror movie, yeah, it would've been freaky. But we lived in real life, so we didn't much think about it. Probably 99.9 percent of wooded areas don't have homicidal maniacs running around, lol.

I have nothing against gun ownership. In fact, to the person saying help is only a phone call away, an average response time to a location in the country would be, at the minimum, several minutes. When seconds count, do you want to rely on someone who's minutes away? Also, remember---most cops' number one thought is to protect themselves, not you. Just because the police are coming doesn't mean you'll be "safe" when they get there.


Why don't all deaf and blind people own guns?



She's in the woods... AT LEAST get an alarm. I don't know any deaf person that doesn't have an alarm. but then again she had at least 6 opportunities to kill him and didn't so she's not very clever to begin with.


She did have an alarm. The boxes were in at least two spots in her house, on the wall, near a door. They focused on one of the boxes for a bit while she was hunched down on the ground near a window. I thought she was walking over to it at one point.


- soo, she lives alone, deaf, and no gun?..interesting.

*face palm* A lot of people don't have one. I think it's an insult to deaf people.

There's osmething wrong with Esther.



Exactly!! that irritated me the whole movie. Where was this woman's blinds, curtains, shades...SOMETHING!!! And how about having your doors and windows locked at all times. If you can't hear or talk, I would assume you'd be big on security. Then again, I'd be living in a heavily populated/secure area like a big apartment complex with a doorman, security, and near lots of friends and family. This chick couldn't even cook.

I found myself rooting for the killer half the time due her horrible decision making. I only felt mildly guilty when I screamed "shoot her in the ass!". He juuuust missed, lol!


Been out in the woods many times for extended lengths, never felt the need for a gun. Generally speaking, being isolated like that is much safer than living in major cities.
