MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > Was the killer her ex boyfriend?

Was the killer her ex boyfriend?

When he removed the mask he said something that hinted he was her ex.

Apart from that what the he'll was he doing? killing randomly.....

Just a thought..


He was just a psychopath killing people at random. The reason he knew her name was because he stolen phone. Late reply i know



I'm watching this right now, and I had the same thought. He said something like "You can come back and live with me. I worry about you." which made me think he was her ex. But he had to ask her if she could read his lips, which her ex would obviously know. So I'm still confused.


(He was recapping a conversation she had with her friend online earlier, I guess to freak her out and what-not) LOL


That was a conversation between her and her sister, she wrote on the door that her boyfriend was coming back home early soon, whereas on the Webcam with her sister she's a lonely person. Did you even watch the movie? It's such a basic story and not even complicated for you not to understand what's happening... #slapsownforehead#


are kidding me?

Guys, he was quoting her sister, because he heard them skyping (or facetiming) - to show that he knows that there was no boyfriend coming home (though she wrote that on the door to make him think that she is not living alone)

viewrs are so unattentive ... though not so many lines in this movie


He was recalling the conversation she had with her sister about living alone, meaning he was telling her he knew there was no boyfriend coming home.


everyone feels obliged to inform the topic-starter)))
poor him


Wasn't the ex-boyfriend black?

FYC: Keanu Reeves


yes he was.


Yes - not sure why that person asked the question.


I believe because this psycho killer is a white man. So not the ex-boyfriend, who we learn is evidently a black man, yeah? Hence the request for confirmation. Not a bad little film I thought...


The person asked if the ex-boyfriend were the killer. Obviously, not. That was my point.


Gotcha. Rock on & out!


I believe he/she asked because, obviously, the killer (guy who attacked) is a white guy, so the boyfriend couldn't the killer! (Please don't read into the question, 'kay?)


"Kay"? God, are you twelve?

And, NO, of course the boyfriend wasn't the killer - pointless to ask - as you stated YOURSELF, the boyfriend is black, and the killer white. It's not "reading into the question," but indicating its ridiculousness.


I wish these posts could show "feelings" et al. I'm really sorry about the "'kay" bit. (I'm not even sure why I did that.) Nothing bad meant, Ripshin. As I said, sorry.



I just finished watching and yes, he was black. While watching, I thought he might show up and help her but what actually happened was way better. :')


No, otherwise she would have typed the name of her killer not a physical description.


i don't know why you are under that impression, but he is absolutely not her ex. you can see her ex is black when they are playing phone tag, and the killer was repeating what he heard while she was facetiming her friend.


.When she was going to go on Face time with her boyfriend because cancelling and declining his call later, he is clearly a black man from his profile picture whereas the killer is a white man. So no he's no the ex boyrfirned as there's multiple of evidence that they didn't know each other.


I think in an early scene, showing a message from (David?) on her phone, he looked African-American.
Anyway, Chris Hardwick in a recent "Nerdist Podcast" mentioned this as being a good movie.
I agree.
