MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > Was the killer her ex boyfriend?

Was the killer her ex boyfriend?

When he removed the mask he said something that hinted he was her ex.

Apart from that what the he'll was he doing? killing randomly.....

Just a thought..


She had lots of ex boyfriends


probably stupidest theart on imdb. at least as I can remember.

there was no one, single, at all. moment. that support this theory. actually it was so obvious from many things (like, almost entire movie) that they have no any history.

so eigher you are troll or just really stupid person. sorry for being rude, but there is no other option.


come on! do not be so hard on him / her.

He / she just forget that it was main heroine's sister who said these words over Skype - that jogh gallagher's character was repeating to show to her that he knew she was bluffing.

For a second I was confused why he was telling her that and what actually he was talking about. But second later I recalled that it was his reference to "boyfriend coming"


I guess you missed the part where he took her phone?

Sad story. You got a smoke?


To address the various points,& additional questions for everyone who replied to the initial Message Board posted question"Was the killer her(Maddie's)Ex-Boyfriend?"No he wasnt Maddie's Ex-Bfriend.What'd happened,is Maddie decided to chat,usin"Face Time",&chickens out w/calling her Ex(who's black).Instead uses"Face Time"to chat w/her sister(at the same time,the killer comes into her house,&can hear what her sister says,while he's grabbing her cellphone-&its also how he learns her name).He hears her sister talking about how she worries about Maddie,& w/her being all alone there,wishing she'd come live w/her(also,just before they"hangup",her sister mentioned she thought she saw something moving in the background,but Im guessing Maddie"signs"somethin along the lines of it possibly was just her cat she'd seen)...
When Maddie tries writing the mssg saying"she wont tell,hasnt seen face.Boyfriend will be home soon"as a tactic to hopefully get the unknown masked intruder(killer)to leave,which this is where some of you had gotten confused as to thinking if he's actually her Ex,because of him removing his mask,she cant say she hasnt seen what he looks like now,&he recites the conversation she had w/her sister saying she wished she wasn't by herself out there,so he knows she lives alone.
Hope that cleared up confusions on this movie for some of ya!... :)


He repeated what the sister had said about going to live with her.


Don't believe he knew her. This is proven when he asks her if she can read his lips.


If she knew him she would have written his name on her computer file. But who was Craig she was ignoring on Facetime after twice hanging up on him?

Edit has been answered already.


I thought the same thing most the movie. Didn't pay attention to early dialogue and focused too much on what he said that implied he knew her. Was kinda annoying thinking she knew him most the movie though.
