MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > 100 things I learned from Hush (spoilers...

100 things I learned from Hush (spoilers)

1. If you need to get the girl, avoid all doors and windows. Instead, dig your way through the roof and magically appear behind the girl.

2. If you have a chance to run away, make all effort to run as slow and awkwardly as possible. That way you may allow the bad guy to fire off a warning shot well in advance.

3. When you lose your sense of hearing. Despite supposedly heightened awareness and greater development of your other senses (i.e. Sight) you will not see a man in a mask in your periphery. Even if they stab someone in front of your sliding glass window.

4. Sliding glass windows are actually made of bullet proof glass you cannot break your way in (in all seriousness did I miss something here?)

5. You must go for the head or the heart. Hammer to the arm, arrow to the shoulder, crushing the hand, and falling off the roof will do nothing to stop the strength and agility of a bad guy. It only makes him more angry and stronger.


Also if you have a really loud smoke alarm with lots of flashing lights don't set it off until the very last second, right when you're certain you're about to die


6. Have a *beep* gun in your house. Problem solved


Hahaha #6. Seriously


7. When you're deaf and need a smoke detector. Get the one that's extra loud so you can still not hear it. Oh it comes with a flashing light too...hope that doesn't drain the battery too quickly.

8. Even though you live in an isolated area, keep your wifi password protected so the wood critters don't steal it for their Netflix pleasure.

9. Craig. Dude probably doesn't even own a car. That's why she broke up with him. And to think most of you thought he'd show up at some point in the movie. Shame on you.

10.You can write the word coward backwards and reverse on sliding glass door perfectly. Because this is what all deaf people practice in their free time.

11. Don't ask the "cop" for id or badge. The fact he's not in uniform and no police vehicle in sight is good enough to fool anyone initially.

12. That cat would never survive in those woods as an outdoor cat.

13. Her sliding glass door is so strong, a remote starter key can't penetrate it unless you open it.

14. She labels her neighbor friend Sarah as "Sarah Next Door" on her phone as not to confuse her with all her other Sarah friends like "Sarah Who I Grew Up With" and "Sarah My Car Insurance Agent"

reply can't write coward backwards?

And I've had family members that own cats who lived in the woods/mountains and they all lived for a long time. Even in places where it snowed.

Also, if this is a sarcastic list of "things you learned" shouldn't it be "cats CAN survive in the woods"?



Number 8 made me laugh for ahwile :)


I hate to be this guy but... :P

1. If you need to get the girl, avoid all doors and windows. Instead, dig your way through the roof and magically appear behind the girl.

1) He didn't magically appear behind her. The bathroom had huge windows. He just climbed up and broke the window behind her. The scene is slow-mo for some reason but you can clearly see pieces of glass raining down. She just couldn't hear it.

2. If you have a chance to run away, make all effort to run as slow and awkwardly as possible. That way you may allow the bad guy to fire off a warning shot well in advance.

2) She was trying to be quiet.

3. When you lose your sense of hearing. Despite supposedly heightened awareness and greater development of your other senses (i.e. Sight) you will not see a man in a mask in your periphery. Even if they stab someone in front of your sliding glass window.

3) Glass windows reflect the light and it is not easy to see what is happening outside in the dark. Plus she is in her early 30's and lost her hearing at the age of 13. Maybe it is not enough time to be Daredevil.

4. Sliding glass windows are actually made of bullet proof glass you cannot break your way in (in all seriousness did I miss something here?)

4) It wasn't bulletproof glass, it was security glass. It is wise to have them if you are living alone in the woods. Actually, you can break bullet resistant glass with a tire iron. There is no way you can break a security glass with a messed up shoulder and claw hammered hand.

5. You must go for the head or the heart. Hammer to the arm, arrow to the shoulder, crushing the hand, and falling off the roof will do nothing to stop the strength and agility of a bad guy. It only makes him more angry and stronger.

5) I am amazed that she managed to hit him with her first try. Hitting someone in the head is not as easy as it sounds. In North Hollywood shootout, 1750 rounds of ammunition fired by the robbers and police. No one got shot in the head or heart. (minus the self-inflicted one in the end)

6. Have a *beep* gun in your house. Problem solved

NRA can remake a very short movie based on this. Killer taps the window and shows the cellphone he lifted. The woman taps the window and shows a 44. magnum. The End

7. When you're deaf and need a smoke detector. Get the one that's extra loud so you can still not hear it. Oh it comes with a flashing light too...hope that doesn't drain the battery too quickly.

7) She mentioned that she needed a very loud alarm so that she can feel the vibrations.

8. Even though you live in an isolated area, keep your wifi password protected so the wood critters don't steal it for their Netflix pleasure.

8) Her next door neighbor was a Cylon. They have advanced access point technology.

9. Craig. Dude probably doesn't even own a car. That's why she broke up with him. And to think most of you thought he'd show up at some point in the movie. Shame on you.

9)Craig was a black dude. This is a slasher movie. Craig knew what would have happened to him if he showed up. Craig is a smart dude. Be like Craig.

10.You can write the word coward backwards and reverse on sliding glass door perfectly. Because this is what all deaf people practice in their free time.

Do you really need to practice for writing COWARD backwards? If yes, I am sure O W and A would need a lot of practice.


Bahahaha good point but try it. It's hard. DRAWOC. I'm not even sure I spelled it right.


Here... and I am not even deaf :P


9)Craig was a black dude. This is a slasher movie. Craig knew what would have happened to him if he showed up. Craig is a smart dude. Be like Craig.

Hahahaha that made me laugh so hard! Craig is the one living Black guy in a thousand horror movies. Congrats, Craig.

"You know, this is - excuse me - a damn fine cup of coffee."


HAHAHA your reply to #6 is amazing. That would really be a fantastic little show by NRA




She can read lips..but friends need to sign to her on FaceTime, because...

Crossbows are impossible to load with two arms and feet and deaf girl hands...

A single can of wasp spray will magically appear at the point of death

the option to kill the guy who used your friend's corpse as a puppet didn't occur until you exhausted all other dumb options.


If her friends know sign language why wouldn't they sign? If you had a deaf friend and you knew sign language you really wouldn't use it?

And the wasp spray was there from earlier in the movie when she got the hammer out from under the sink. It didn't "magically" appear.


No! She reads lips. Signing is patronizing.
It did magically appear. Since she made it to the kitchen...or rather convenient it was there when it was.
This movie is stupid.


As a deaf person who reads lips, I disagree. Lip reading is tiring and not 100% accurate. Many sounds are formed on the lips the same way, some people don't move their mouths much when they speak, sometimes the lighting is poor/the speaker turns their face away, etc. If you know sign language, please use it around deaf people.


~ You can stab a woman several times on a porch and not have a lick of blood fall to the ground.

wab-3 = Dengal/vans johnson/b profane/SNL fan/Film/Carmudgen - who else?


It did show blood leak to the porch...but anyway...I thought she wrote "do it" on the glass in response to him saying he was coming in now...guess I didn't pay attention.


15. if you have an arrow in your hand and you see someone is climbing on the roof - RUN AWAY as soon as possible, don't try to stab him in the hand, or heaed or something, because you are in a better position than him.
