MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > 100 things I learned from Hush (spoilers...

100 things I learned from Hush (spoilers)

1. If you need to get the girl, avoid all doors and windows. Instead, dig your way through the roof and magically appear behind the girl.

2. If you have a chance to run away, make all effort to run as slow and awkwardly as possible. That way you may allow the bad guy to fire off a warning shot well in advance.

3. When you lose your sense of hearing. Despite supposedly heightened awareness and greater development of your other senses (i.e. Sight) you will not see a man in a mask in your periphery. Even if they stab someone in front of your sliding glass window.

4. Sliding glass windows are actually made of bullet proof glass you cannot break your way in (in all seriousness did I miss something here?)

5. You must go for the head or the heart. Hammer to the arm, arrow to the shoulder, crushing the hand, and falling off the roof will do nothing to stop the strength and agility of a bad guy. It only makes him more angry and stronger.


16. cats of deaf people become deaf, too. or at least they seem to get used to extremely loud fire alarms that would make every normal cat run for cover.


What about the car alarm LOL

~I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way~



When you are quickly losing blood and worried about bleeding out, you should make sure you use some of that blood to write threatening messages to your stalker.

When you stab a killer in the bathtub and he drops his knife, just ignore the dropped weapon and try to go get a brand new one from your kitchen.

Any time your stalker is apprehended by another person giving you opportunity to take him out, simply do nothing instead. Things will be better that way.

When you are in a dying, weakened state being strangled by a trained killer, just turn into a wizard. Doing so will give you the strength you need to put a corkscrew directly through the guy's neck. It's magic.


1. stop counting after 14.
2. make a list of things you DIDN'T learn from the movie.
3. try picking up the count with 15 & 16.
4. restart counting from 1.
5. stop counting again.

That is my opinion, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.


A lot of people put "anti-theft" plastic films on their windows, specially those in the ground floor, that make them really hard to break (and to prevent large pieces of glass flying about in case it does break, for whatever reason).

This is not explained in the movie, but I think the practice is common enough not to require an explanation.
