The twist was alright but they didn't nail the ending they just *bub* smash her with a car and byee THE END. I think they were just too dumb to think something clever


I wouldn't say shitty ending, but there was a lot there involving hypnosis and brain transplant that I thought they could have done a better job of making sense. I just was never all that sure what the goal of the villain's really was here.

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The villains' goal was to steal Chris' body and transplant somebody else's consciousness into it - the highest bidder at the auction. So, the stapler guy from Office Space paid money to have his consciousness put into Chris' body.

Their ultimate goal, I suppose, was health, heartiness, and immortality at the expense of people they deemed inferior (yet admired for their physical capability).

It's about the exploitation of black people (and other non-Europeans) by the white and the wealthy.


I thought for sure she was gonna shoot them once more with the shotgun once they got into the car. Chris STUPIDLY left the f'ing shotgun on the ground with her!


yes decent movie only to fizzle out at the end


I thought the ending was okay. How would you have ended it?

The ending fit the situation. Overall, I thought it was an intriguing film with a great performance by Daniel Kaluuya. It's not surprising that he was at least nominated for an Oscar for his role in this. He probably should have won it but the Oscar went to Gary Oldman for his work in Darkest Hour.

At any rate, I'd give GO an 8.1 out of 10. Its entertaining stuff.


There was kind of an anti-twist, not sure if it was intentional. At the end, when Rod showed up and saved the day, they're both sitting in the car and Chris asks "how did you find me". The music is kind of eerie when he asks this, which makes him sound suspicious. Rod simply replies, "TSA, man. TS fuckin' A." The music is still eerie, which made me suspect that maybe there was a sinister reason why Rod knew how to find Chris. But I think someone just messed up with regards to musical cues.


I never got that eerie vibe at all. But probably because the movie dedicated time to showing the audience that Rod was actively looking for him (and arguing with Rose). It even showed him going to the police. None of that would make sense if he was in on it or had a sinister motive. Only way that could work is if he was doing all that to fool Chris...which obviously couldn't happen since Chris was abducted and could see nothing Rod is doing lol.


Finally seen this film and the shittiest things near the end for me is the fact that
a) it was stated that the race of the ‘body’ didn’t matter (so why are they all black?!)
b) the guy having his brain removed didn’t have any oxygen mask on or anything like you would do to maintain a body (even whilst having the brain removed)
c) why did the grandparents get put into ‘bodies’ and used as servants?!


The blind guy said that he, himself didn't care about the colour of the skin. He wasn't speaking for anyone else.

Presumably, the grandparents' bodies were used as servants for the benefit of oblivious visitors and potential victims when they were around as a way to keep their secret concealed. I guess they needed a -'reason' as to why these two black people were 'always around' in their home.


Still doesn't explain why all victims were black, though. If skin colour didn't matter, it should be a toss-up what race the victims were. If race did matter, you'd expect them all to be white. After all, if they're racists, why would people want their spouses in black replacement bodies?
