MovieChat Forums > Ozark (2017) Discussion > So Wendy became Heisenberg?

So Wendy became Heisenberg?

Anyone else get that vibe at the end of S2? I was waiting for a scene of her in the dark with a glass of whine saying shes in the empire business.

So now Wendy is going on this power trip and Marty seems like he's gonna be the Skyler to her Walt and be afraid of her and not recognize who she is anymore. Cause Marty does seem to be fine with the kids leaving now, with him telling Charlotte he's fine with her emancipation. Marty's gonna want the kids far away from Wendy.

You could see Wendy getting more and more into the manipulation and intimidation game throughout the season, she started loving it like a drug, and by the end of it when she got the cartel to kill Cade it brought her into full on power hungry villain mode. Wendy just couldn't leave that power behind and go live a semi normal life, she wanted to stay and thrive as this powerful cartel ally.


Yep, she acquired a taste for it. Well, also, I think she just doesn't want to run anymore (I mean, would you?), she thinks their family's current position with the cartel is tenable, and she believes they would get themselves into more trouble by running than by staying put.

They pulled off the seemingly impossible, and can now finally relax a little and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

I do wonder what they are going to do about the Kansas City mob.


Yeah when you think about it they have no reason to run really, as Marty said once the casino is up and running the laundering will practically run itself and there wont be much pressure on him anymore, and the Cartel are pretty much their ally's at this point now. Running would just piss the Cartel off and have them hunting them down to kill them. I mean i guess the Kansas City Mob is the only threat if they stay.

I think a big part of S3 will be The Mob vs The Cartel with Marty and his family in the middle of it, along with the FBI likely infiltrating the casino as Petty suggested they use it as their Trojan Horse.


I can see why it would be tempting to run. The cartel will never, ever be fair when it comes to how they express their gratitude. No matter how hard Marty and Wendy work, they will never get rewarded by being released. I do think that Wendy is inflated with her sense of self-worth, and may even think she's smarter than Marty. But, really, he is smarter. She is better at being manipulative. They truly complement each other.


Except that they've been working for the cartel for a decade without any incidents. Their troubles only started when Bruce skimmed.


That's my point. There will be incidents. No matter how much Wendy and Marty try to follow the rules, no matter how much they give up for the cartel to be profitable, no matter how lucrative it is, the cartel will always act in their own best interest. There will always be stress. Even if they are fine with doing it now, it would be nice to be able to retire eventually. As long as they can keep doing what they're doing, the cartel will never let them go. They will always be at the mercy of what the cartel decides, even if the deception/issue isn't their fault.


"Just finished. After the first season I saw this as having parallels to Breaking Bad with Marty as the Walt White character and Ruth as Jesse. Now I realize how wrong I was. Marty isn't Walter White, Wendy is."

This is the text I sent to my brother-in-law after finishing season 2, so I had the same thought as you. Glad I avoided this board and didn't see your post so I could draw that conclusion myself lol!


I just don't think that Wendy will ever be the brains. Wendy doesn't have the ability that Marty does to truly figure out how to solve what seems impossible. She has the communication and negotiation skills that Marty lacks, but not the technical knowledge. He has been pretty successful without her involvement up to now. I think they will truly be partners, and he will realize he can share his burden.


Yeah but what Wendy has that Marty doesn't is the nerve to kill someone, she had Cade murdered and didn't even care, Marty killed the preacher in self defense pretty much and nearly passed out cause he couldn't handle killing someone. Wendy clearly has no problem with killing someone if it benefits her and her family, Marty on the other hand isn't that kind of person.

So yeah Marty is the brains when it comes to the numbers and scheming, but Wendy is the one who can manipulate and murder without feeling a bit of guilt over it. And shes almost as smart as Marty like when she figured out that one guy who was shutting their business down they was bribing with concert tickets was compromised with the FBI. Marty had no inkling he was working with the FBI but Wendy sensed it by looking at the room he was in.

So in some ways Wendy is smarter than Marty.


Having someone killed and actually killing someone are different things. I would have to think back, but I haven't seen Marty show any sensitivity over the deaths in the show - except the one at his own hand. I think Wendy is smart about people. I think Marty is smart about what he does, which is what is most valuable to the cartel. I think Wendy is becoming less sensitive to what they're doing, and Marty is gaining more humanity. They are a good partnership, and that is how I believe and how I hope they continue in the show.


Yeah Wendy is definitely becoming less sensitive to what they're doing, and as you said Marty is getting more humanity and almost fed up with what they're doing, hence him telling Charlotte he's fine with her leaving.

On the subject of having someone killed and killing someone yourself being different, well i guess, but not really, cause on your conscious you know its you that caused the persons life to end, whether it was done by your hands or not. I can see Wendy having no problem killing Cade herself if she was in the right situation, and i could see her reacting the same way she did when the cartel killed him.

Marty has never acted fine when someones been killed infront of him, he's always never been able to handle death or hurting someone well.


I'm not arguing. But, I don't think Wendy could have killed Cade herself. And, I can't think of a situation where someone was killed in front of Marty and he hasn't reacted because he's either been in danger himself (first episode where Bruce gets killed) or when he's in danger because of the killing (Del). I think they are changing in ways that are still making them complementary of each other. Becoming more empathic to each other's strengths and weaknesses. They could eventually go in the other direction and have Wendy be the big kingpin. But, I think the show is about their relationship more than the crimes they commit. I just don't see it happening.


Because I believe the show is more about their relationship and the family, I should state that I hope they don't go in the direction of Wendy being in charge. It is very predictable. I don't know they won't go that way.


For me the most telling moment was when Marty told Charlotte if she still wanted to be emancipated, he wouldn't fight it. This told me he still had some moral compass left and he thought maybe Charlotte would be best away from what Wendy was becoming. Marty seemed desperate to get out of the mess he found himself in and Wendy seemed to be embracing it. Her not wanting to leave reminded me of Walter White telling the dudes in the Home Depot parking lot to stay out of his territory. That was when cooking meth went from what he considered a duty to his family to a choice he was making because he liked the feeling of power. I see Wendy falling down a similar path.


God I wish I could have stood watching Breaking Bad after the first 1.5 seasons. :-) That change in dynamic (and his wife's oddly ever-changing face) just turned me off of what I thought the show was focusing on. I really just hope that Ozark doesn't go down this path. I always felt that Walter's self-realization was so forced, and simplifies what are conflicts beneath the surface for most human beings.

I, too, thought that what he said that to Charlotte was telling. I don't deny I see him struggling a bit - both he and Wendy are realizing facets of their personalities that they may have neglected - but just don't see that he will continue on this path to wanting out. I see a juxtaposition between Ruth and Charlotte's ideas of what makes a good family coming into play, continuing in bringing the focus to relationships and family. I see Marty and Wendy's relationship continuing to evolve as they realize that we can't really have a black and white relationship scorecard - that's not what marriage is. In the cartel backdrop I see the normal cycle of power play, but ultimately Marty and Wendy coming full circle to their primary values.

I'm a Jason Bateman fan. You are probably right in your assessment that Wendy will become the big power person, and I'm probably overestimating the show creators' and writers' talent. I really, really want this show to be different, but am fully prepared for disappointment.




Yeah, well I don't take much stock in the opinions of morons. But, thanks!


My first thought was that she had become Claire Underwood.


Yeah, me too, it had a Claire Underwood vibe, like... "it's my turn now" or some shit.


Wendy and Walter would’ve made quite the power couple.
