MovieChat Forums > Ozark (2017) Discussion > Season 2: A good, 2 1/2 hr. movie ...

Season 2: A good, 2 1/2 hr. movie ...

— stretched out to 10 hours.

But maybe that’s a built-in problem with serialized storytelling: You’ve got to make the same points over and over and over again, because you have so much goddamn time to fill.

And you need to have episode-long digressions that are completely separated from the main story too — like the kidnapping of Laura Linney’s character, and her being held hostage by an unhinged religious maniac.

So there’s a lot of padding in OZARK, and a lot of treading water. Because longform TV is all about the s-t-r-e-e-e-e-t-c-h... it’s all about marking time until the final episode.


I didn't feel that way at all. A LOT of different events transpired this season.

To each his/her own.


A lot of events. Many many events. But only some of them interesting. And the characterizations, as I indicated on other threads, were inconsistent. People behaved a certain way in one episode and then a completely different way in another.

And the story really meandered. Maybe that’s why I prefer movies to serialized television. The stories are tighter.


It would have been too tidy for Mason to have just disappeared. He was so self-righteous and sanctimonious, there had to be a resolution to his story. It validates the first season.


I agree. Mason was lost from the time he entered the store. His unreasonableness drove the point home. This sets up Wendy to kill Darlene and take the baby back playing off Marty’s guilt and revenge for what the Snell’s stared by selling dope at the church on the lake and probably calling the authorities on Mason and the baby.


I mostly agree .
Sopranos was the only one that really worked for me due to the high quality everything.
Ozark is a fun show but you have to suspend your disbelief over the moon.
