Increible movie

I absolutely loved it!
Good build-up and loved the ending as well.


I personally hated the ending, but it was a great slow-burn horror movie, worth a watch.


I want to see it.


Love that they never used jump scares and instead went for creepiness. Kudos for that.

One beef I have is...(this may count as a spoiler so stop reading if you've not seen it) .

Her favourite Author - "Don't believe your lying eyes"

Protagonist 5 minutes later - *believes lying eyes*



It was pretty good. Creepy and unsettling. There were a couple scenes that I'm sure will haunt me tonight when I go to bed. I think the build up was great but towards the end I think they should have raised the creepiness a little more. And cant say that I loved the ending, it ended too soon or too quickly, something was missing. Still a good horror film. 7/10


I wasn't expecting much and ended up really liking it!


I disagree.

The first half was very good, the characters felt real and the drama was well balanced... and then in the second half the writer introduced the 'mandatory' twist. WHY???

It just needed to keep the pace, no twist needed, and it would have been a decent horror movie. The twist (sadly) was a very predictable one, and the moment the movie started to give some you knew exactly what was going to happen. They had a good movie and they killed it with an unnecessary twist.


I am not trying to be rude here, but what was the twist? She summoned Pyewacket to kill her mom and that's exactly what happened. It's the whole "be careful what you wish for" idea and that when it comes to getting our wishes granted, even from supernatural beings, there is no guarantee on how the wish will be granted.



By twist I mean Pyewacket tricking her into killing her own mother. I saw that twist coming when they had the conversation with the professor/librarian/bookseller (I don't remember exactly the profession). After that the plot develops in the exact way that leads to it, so it becomes more and more clear. The third act felt like watching a movie you've watched before. And instead of watching a drama that happens, you see the director setting the pieces for a twist you've seen miles before.


That's why I didn't think that it was a twist. It wasn't a surprise, it was totally expected. For something to be a twist it needs to be unexpected.


But they did mean it to be a twist because why does she need Pyewacket and all the spell mumbo jumbo if she was just going to kill the mom herself? If it was expected all along why bother making the movie about spells at all? If they purposefully made that so obvious - and it wasn't a twist - it could have just been a Girl kills Mom movie.


Just as in "Strangers on a Train" (1951), it's easier to commit a heinous, vile act such as murder when you're able to justify it through another means, separating reality from your own subconscious.



Oh, I totally agree with you. And I love Strangers on a Train. One of my favorite movies.

I was just explaining to the person who said it wasn't a twist why I believe they meant it to be a twist. Which maybe they didn't. Who knows? I was happy with the non twist regardless. ;)


Reality sure is stranger than fiction.

Spells could act as a form of escapism. I suppose the ritual aspect of magic would not only be a source of comfort but also a way to confront one's fears.



I see where you are coming from and perhaps because I thought that it was so obvious, that I gave them credit for being straight forward. I did like the movie and the ending, I just thought it was foreshadowed so much that it didn't seem like a twist to me.


Good enough, but I didn't really care for the ending either.


why rated so low?


