Eichmann's sons

I was actually going to post that I thought the business of AE's son's frothing-at-the-mouth jew hatred was a bit over the top.... until I looked into it :



Yeah they were literally unrepentant Nazis. Total shitbags. Well not the youngest who was born in Argentina. Evidently he had nothing but distain for his family and had nothing to do with with them.


Well consider the Jewish secret service kidnapped his father, held him captive for weeks of psychological torture before putting in through a show trial... how would you feel?


if my dad had filled countless boxcars of jews and sent them off to be slaughtered, i MIGHT consider the jews had a point, clown.


You don't know your history very well asshat, Eichmann never put a single person in a boxcar. In fact many fo the people that put the Jews in the boxcars were in fact other Jews, its one of the dirty little secrets that doesn't get mentioned much by the Jewish folks.


fuck you nazi boy


That's your response to someone pointing out the facts?

Reality is I would have been exterminated by the German since I'm not some white boy, but I'm not so stupid as to try and give the Nazis more credit than they are due. The did horrible things, but the fact is they didn't do them all on their own.


Sorry, but you are an idiot. Jews were FORCED to do things that were unpleasant to even the cruelest Nazis. They did not do it by free will.


Were some Jews forced to do things? Yes. But the fact is early on some Jews did things to their fellow Jews of their own free will, whether it was because they had a grudge against some other Jews and wanted revenge or were hoping that it would make them look better to the Germans in charge is irrelevant because they weren't forced at gunpoint early on to betray their fellow Jews. If you don't understand that then you are an ignorant cunt, go read a history book concerning pre-WWII Germany.


I am German and I have a little deeper insight in German history, you "ignorant cunt".
And oops, now you are ignored.


Germans are clueless when it comes to their own history, a country that bans even talking about Nazis is never going to be able to convey what happen in German history. Now piss off ya ignorant cunt, everyone knows you are German just a basement dweller sucking off your mama's teat.


Eichmann didn't literally load anyone into a box car, but as an architect of the Final Solution he was directly responsible. Hopefully, you know your history.

