Bad idea for a movie

Really stupid ... right wing BS.


Curious where you get right-wing from? If you've gotten your hands on a draft of the script, cool. Otherwise ... I'm looking through the credits of the director, the writers, the producers, the cast ... not seeing anything in their previous work that would reveal a strong political leaning in either direction.



The title.


That's a stretch Bruce, come on.


Assumptions, Bruce. Showing a lack of thought on your part.

"Be sure you're right, then go ahead."
Davy Crockett





That's just terrible logic. There's nothing BS about the title. 'Chappaquiddick' is what everyone calls the incident, both right-wingers and left-wingers, because that's where it took place. It's an entirely neutral term. The word 'Chappaquiddick' may feel like a biased right-wing term because right-wingers talk about the incident a lot while left-wingers rarely mention it but that doesn't change the fact that it's an entirely neutral term on its face. By your logic, titling a movie about the Watergate scandal 'Watergate' would automatically make such a movie left-wing BS. Would you agree with that logic?


I guess its right wing to show how Ted Kennedy left a young woman to slowly die in car. Bet you wouldn't have had a problem if the politician had been Richard Nixon.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


-- Bet you wouldn't have had a problem if the politician had been Richard Nixon.

No, the issue of prejudice and unfairness is in your assumption of this.


If I were you, Bruce I wouldn't worry excessively about a right-wing hit job. Hollywood strongly tends to the left anyway, so my guess is that the movie will likely be mostly sympathetic to Teddy.


So true


Looks like we have two stupid trolls now. Truth is NOT left or right!


Yeah sure, bringing to light the extent that political parties and the voting public would tolerate deplorable behavior from their politicians (right or left) has no relevance today


Hollywood's just running out of ideas


Not at all a bad idea for a movie.

Heck, in terms of the nationā€™s true history and all that was (possibly) changed from this event it could be argued that it was the most important event world-wide that same weekend (the other being two men taking mankindā€™s first steps on the moon).

Had this event not happened Ted Kennedy may very have been President.

Yes, this story was certainly worthy of being told on the big screen (not withstanding what is true vs what is conjecture in the film)
