MovieChat Forums > Marshall (2017) Discussion > Sorry! This is BS casting

Sorry! This is BS casting

If you are going to do a TRUE story about an iconic figure in history as Thurgood Marshall then do the RIGHT god damn casting! Everyone lost their minds about Zoe Saldana doing blackface for Nina Simone then there is no way in hell Chadwicke should be playing Thurgood Marshall! Thurgood Marshall was chosen as a Supreme Court for many reasons but ONE main reason was because of the way he looked! Black people want to call out bs like Nina Simone awful casting because of colorism. We need to accept we come in all in colors! This is our history! Stop F with it and falling in line with the oppressive nature that was put upon us! Will not see this!


An iconic figure in History? LMAO... Most people don't even know who this guy is...


Which says more about the ignorance some folks have regarding history. Doesn't change the fact that Thurgood is one of America's most iconic figures.


In your dream life, maybe. But not in reality.


Reality suggests you are an ignorant fool without a grasp of any historical acumen who nonetheless will keep spreading your stupidity to any site you can click on to. In my dream life however you were aborted....sparing the rest of us of your presence.


No, you're just a deluded twit, who thinks History was made by them. But sorry, to break it to you, only black people, and professionals (maybe), give a crap about this minor historical detail.


Never heard of Brown v. Board of Education? It's sad when people are proudly ignorant.


It is ridiculous but it speaks to the fact that Hollywood doesn't produce nearly as many light skin black actors as it should while at the same time not producing nearly as many dark skin black actresses either. Which leads to the results in both casting decisions. That being said I'm most disappointed that Boseman had to pick ANOTHER historical figure to play especially considering how he said he was going to stay away from that after Get On Up. It suggests that he doesn't get enough leading man offers to choose from.


He was great as Black Panther.


I was thrilled with the cameo at the end. That made up for the rest of it.


I'm assuming you meant the appearance of noted civil rights attorney, Benjamin Crump. Yes, that was interesting and amusing.

I also enjoyed the music during the ending credits.


He was good too. I more meant Trayvon Martian’s parents though. It was nice to see them in a piece of history, since their son started one.


I see. That slipped by me; didn't recognize them. :)
