MovieChat Forums > F9 (2021) Discussion > Why such an extremely low rating on IMDB...

Why such an extremely low rating on IMDB?

I mean it wasn’t great but it was still serviceable. Far from incompetent


I think it deserves an even lower score!


I was laughing at most the action scenes. If thats suppose to happen, then I'll give you "its serviceable". Otherwise this movie was more garbage than the rest of the garbage after F4. Go ahead and throw in F2 with the garbage. F4 is "serviceable".


F4? The one where this happens:-

And then later on they're hurtling through narrow, twisting underground tunnels, Indiana Jones Temple of Doom style, 100mph+ no problem...

Yes, more "serviceable" action in that one.


After seeing this post i decided to watch the movie again. I dont sit and watch these movies. I stand corrected, my recollection and memory of movie was off. Guess i watched it so long ago i thought it wasnt so bad as the ones after it. So, from 4 on they are garbage


it's pretty bad though


A lot of people were disappointed in this one for its lack of realism. Some of the stunts in this movie are just too unrealistic and the plot is very over the top compared to all the others in this franchise


I havent seen this one, or any of them past F7, but not sure how people could complain about how "unrealistic" the stunts are when unrealistic stunts have been a factor of the whole franchise. I pretty much checked out when Vin drifts underneath the rolling tanker truck in F4, or that moment in F6 when Vin launches himself over a bridge to catch some chick in midair. How the hell do people accept that stuff? F9 better have people transforming into werecars or The Rock starts benchpressing a semi-truck or something for it THAT unrealistic in comparison.


...I pretty much checked out when Vin drifts underneath the rolling tanker truck in F4, or that moment in F6 when Vin launches himself over a bridge to catch some chick in midair. How the hell do people accept that stuff? F9 better have people transforming into werecars...

Ha, just linked that F4 impossibility above!

As for people transforming into "werecars" - we did have an actual, real (F&F) life cyborg in Hobbs & Shaw, so who knows what might come next!


Awful film.

I would say the rating is generous.


Yeah, it's strange. However, it's only that low rated on IMDB. For the rest it's way higher.

I loved this movie. It's one of the best Fast and Furious movies.


The movie was a complete mess compared to the others. How ridiculous the action was wasn't even the movie's main problem. All the issues I had with the movie, I could give the Tarzan swing with the car a pass, although I would've anyway. But the flashbacks screwed with the pacing, the McGuffin was lame, takes forever to get going (an hour in I was like "where is this going?" which I never had to ask with the previous movies or Fast 10), Tej and Ramsey teaming up on Roman came out of nowhere since by the end of 8, the three were cool with each other and stuff, every other scene they were in a different part of the world (they kept bouncing around so much, I have no idea where the final battle/final action scene takes place), they hyped up Helen Mirren's return and she is only in one scene/segment, all the Cardi B stuff I had issues with (not that she was in the movie though, but for narrative reasons), the John Cena stuff was 50/50 (I was fine with it, but we are finally just hearing about Jakob now after all these movies?), and then Charlize Theron/Cipher was being set up to be a major threat, but then they don't do jack with her in 9 (and then she turns good in 10). Cipher was locked up in a cell for most of the movie. And then during the final battle, they do a "gotcha" with her by making it look like Dom killed her, but she was just controlling a drone ship/plane. My only complaint with the action is that because of everything I just listed, it made me not care about the action when it happened. So yeah. Definitely the worst Fast & Furious movie. I'm still shocked I actually hated a Fast & Furious movies. I liked all the rest.


It was very bad. However, it has it's moments, like the return of Han. Other than that, it is not good. A brother that was never mentioned once? RIGHT. Then they went to space. They actually did it. They. Went. To. SPACE.
