Didn't like ending

Just ended too quickly, spoilt whole movie for me which started well.


I felt like it was discussing how the desire to kill your children was innate in all the parents, the virus or whatever just brought it to the surface.


ok, but what did you want to happen in the end? i mean what else could happen at that point


I know was just expecting more.


What ending!? It didn't have one! It just cut to black. And this isn't some "thinker". An ending like that in a movie like this doesn't serve anything.


I agree, there was no ending! We don't know if the virus (or whatever it was) subsided after a time or continued forever or anything for that matter.


It didn't even have one.

It's as if they ran out of money and decided to just end the movie mid scene. It's a real shame. Why do so many movies do this? The ending is possibly the most important part of a film.


Yes as it ended "in medias res," I'm sure the studio pulled the plug on it. Not bad up to that point, except for the "quick-cutting" during the action sequences which made it nearly impossible to see exactly what's happening!


Agreed. There was no explanation about what the transmission was, where it came from, what was the point, did the effects wear off after a time, etc. Just a super lazy ending. I fully expected some aliens to show up at the end because, who else, really, would benefit from human kind killing themselves off like that?


I agree. The ending was too abrupt and not satisfying. It was fun up till then though.
