MovieChat Forums > Deadpool 2 (2018) Discussion > Enjoyable but nothing really too memorab...

Enjoyable but nothing really too memorable

*spoilers* *spoilers* *spoilers*

Other than:
-Partial unmask probably reference to Spider-Man
-James Bond intro credit reference
-Cocaine shoving into the face and blind lady that can't aim
-Vanisher as Brad Pitt CGI
-X-Force all dying except Domino and the main character
-Deadpool in baby legs and penis after Juggernaut rip
-Lots of references to other shows like DC universe, Logan, Say Anything boombox on phone, and a few others I already forgot
-Riding on Xavier's wheelchair and using his Cerebro machine
-Appearance of the actual x-men closing the door
-Keeping the original characters look and sizes like Colossus and Juggernaut
-Mid-credits redeeming Ryan Reynolds by killing off Deadpool in X-men Origins and himself for accepting Green Lantern.

I don't get how Vanessa got killed. She was literally just shot in the shoulder unlike Deadpool who was shot in the heart by Cable (unintended). I know mid-credit he went to save her but still... she shouldn't have died from getting a shoulder shot wound.

I love how Cable can take numerous different guns and combine them into one super one. I saw him use a M203 Grenade Launcher and combine it with a Kriss Vector and a few others.

Negasonic looks sexy in her gothic-like makeup. Yukio and Negasonic are lesbo but that's alright. :D

To conservatives or Trump voters, you may cringe at some scenes as there is quite a few jokes about you guys and a few PC stuff like with Jared Kusher or powerful white men or racism or gender-neutral X-force stuff. To be fair though, they played it safe since it was borderline, non-polarizing, non-alienating tongue-in-cheek PC jokes.

Other than that, this was a as the title states, an enjoyable movie yet forgettable for some reason.


Vanessa was shot in the heart.


Didn't look like it. It was like just a tiny bit below the left clavicle which would pierce her left lung compared to when Wade got shot, that was ON THE DOT the heart.


They didn't want a gratuitous tit shot. It's a family show.


Obviously hit her in the heart. Entry point is irrelevant, bullets change direction after contact.



The main flaw of the first one was a lackluster villain, but their fight at the end was more entertaining than the fight at the end of this one. DP makes fun of it by calling it a CGI fest between Colossus and Judggernaut, but that doesn't change the fact it's a CGI fest. Also, we're supposed to feel absolute disdain for this school of tormentors, but I just didn't feel like they set it up properly. The third act really just felt like they were going by the numbers so they could get to the credits.

The first two acts of it were pretty good though. Nothing memorable like you say, but worth viewing at least once or twice.


to 6:05. I think you're in agreement to this guy regarding the 3rd act. Basically building up Cable in the 2nd act as the villain there was nothing left to build for the 3rd once he turned out to be good.


Yeah, they tried to top themselves here and it kinda turned into a mess, but an enjoyable one nonetheless.

Have a short review of this one here if anyone is interested-


As a Trump voter, i just took the movie as a good cue to just sit back, munch popcorn, and enjoy the fun!


Deadpool has been doing the half off mask in the comics for 20+ years. How else could he eat or drink?


As a Trump voter, I saw it as good-natured ribbing. Unlike most of the deranged hate-filled venom spewed by the Left for the past year and a half.


I choose to avoid reading the spoiler section from the rest of your description. But going by the title of this thread alone, it sounds like this movie could've at least make do without the topical tidbits. Sometimes I cringe whenever I run across latest movies that does pop culture references like that, especially of the topical/political variety. Because I know it would slightly date the movie in the long run. Kind of like how the first movie made a Mama June reference around the time everything about Honey Boo Boo and co was starting to fall out of relevancy... Oh, and then something about a scandal too. I hate Trump with a passion though, but I'm politically indifferent on most things. But I honestly prefer a lot of movies and shows to remain escapism (at this time) for that particular reason too imo.

But it sounds like Deadpool 2 delivers expectations nevertheless. I'll check this out sooner whenever I can.

P.S.: You can also enable spoiler tags on these boards. Formatting help shows you how to do that whenever you're getting ready to post a new message.


As a Trump voter, I strongly support the use of the R rating to keep teenagers out of the theater. Movies are very expensive and I do not think they cannot afford to waste their money on Hollywood movies.
