MovieChat Forums > Bright (2017) Discussion > Way better than what I expected

Way better than what I expected

By no means a perfect movie, for a straight to DVD kind of production it was enjoyable, it sets the world with a little exposition but with enough suspense and lore to keep the franchise alive for at least a couple more movies.

Didn't like how some of the characters where handled (some of the bad guys) but for a crazy idea like mixing real modern world with mythical creatures it does a good work.

Will Smith and Joel Edgerton did a solid work, a better script could have made this movie really stellar but even with its problems it definitely deserves a watch.


Totally agree. I went in with really low expectations and knew nothing about the film other than the critics hated it, but I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was good overall; like a solid 6.

I felt it didn't need to be as violent as it was and some of the actions of the characters didn't make much sense, but just seemed to fit the story at the time which was annoying. However, the acting was good in my opinion and I thoroughly enjoyed the setting of the film. I thought the alternate universe of all these different races existing in a modern world captivating and interesting probably more so than the actual plot of the film lol.
