Loved it!

I really enjoyed this film. I can’t see why the critics had a problem. What did they expect, have they not seen the stage show. It is what it is....a musical with great music and dance. The film adds to what can be achieved visually and the cast new interpretations. Don’t listen to the critics, why should they ruin this film’s chances, go see it you’ll enjoy it.


You made an account just to post this? Along with another new account maker "MEG" posting a positive review.


I actually liked it as well - I hadn't ever seen Cats until recently when I checked out the Broadway DVD. I went into it expecting to dislike it but I actually really enjoy it. Same with this movie - I really don't think it's as terrible as the masses are making it out to be. In fact, I really liked a lot of the interpretations of the musical the movie made.


So did I. I thought it was brilliant. What were people expecting based on the Show.
