MovieChat Forums > mitzibishi

mitzibishi (1617)


The writers of Morbius strike again with another mega flop Guirrila style documentary film making. From the writers of.....MORBIUS. and other failed, poorly written movies Hi, I'm Bob. My wife goes on dates with old flames. Don't be me. Don't be a Bob. They made a movie of the limo driver from Die Hard? Frankenstein's monster with female privilege MS. Marvel hilarious deleted scenes in the box set. Plagiarism, pure and simple. Plagiarism, pure and simple. Great car chase. Overlooked in best car chase lists. View all posts >


Boo Hoo!! CGI cow > > > > Story boo hooo you like cardboard cut out characters with no depth. CGI cows over character's arcs, and that's fine. I would just cast O.J. as he's perfect casting. Have him puppateered then get people in green suits move his mouth for the dialogue and CGI them out in post. Or even do it Weekend at Bernies style. <b>Weekend at O.J.'s</b> I bet you're one of these people that has a bunker installed, and buys all the tinned food up in stores if a lefty wins an election. Then force your family to live in the bunker, convinced that above ground is going to be a wasteland until the commode is overflowing, and your family plead with you to take a look out of the hatch because they know nothing happened. Then you all drive to McDonalds, pay with your card, eat your crap burger in the car park and browse Facebook to catch up on all the monotony you missed been asking this same question for years You got me. Always have a problem with that one. Beuatiful always gets me as well. The memory just doesn't take it in and put it in the old brain database, no matter how many times I spell check it. >I love all the attention you are getting from me. Deflection. You don't seem to love it, as you're getting all riled up and emotional. >You are such a narcissist. You think a discussion about the inner workings of a movie is a personal attack, mate. Touch grass. >You were the one who chose to attack me A disagreement is not a terrorist attack on your person. >Get some therapy for your egotistical brain. It's a discussion about a movie on a public forum for movies. The site is called MOVIE CHAT. Get a grip. Never heard someone say that Onlyfans is "empowering"? Ha ha thanks for your very inciteful breakdown of how movies work. You have enlightened me with your rambling on. >Jonas, for instance, was really only in the movie so Bill and Jo would have reason to work together to try and deploy their idea and not his. Rambling again. "The Joker was only in Batman 89 so Batman could use the Batwing and fly it around Gotham. That's the only thing the Joker added to Batman." Look we can all make wild, lame summaries about characters, missing other key factors of why the character is in the movie, and what they add to the movie. >I firmly believe this was intended to be a style over substance film (action sequences, special effects). Why not both? Although not as good on the character elements as something like Jaws. It has way more character depth than say Transformers or Godzilla movies where they shoehorn in flat, cardboard cut out characters and spend the majority of the movie with them rather than the robots or Godzilla itself. Jaws manages to weave together the thrills, and the character moments. Just like Twister which attempts to give depth and nuance to the characters (which you hate), and succeeds. Unlike Godzilla where the characters you don't care about because the writing sucks. And don't say the focus is spectacle, and it was intended. They tried to add a human angle, the writing sucked, and we spend a large chunk with the characters in Godzilla movies and their crappy story nobody cares about. If the focus is ONLY on spectacle. Why spend the majority of the run time with the humans and their side stories? You're looking at things in black and white and still getting it wrong. Summarise lame points all you like. Twister is a character driven movie and succeeds at that. Without the two leads and their story, the film wouldn't be half as good. Have all the CGI cows you like, and silly tornado balls, it would fail and not be remembered as well. Like I said above: Question: What do you think the audience is most invested in? Getting the balls to go into the eye of the storm? Or the Bill Paxton relationship with Helen Hunt and him getting back into the life? You can't answer this simple question because you know I'm right. Makes for a better, more interesting and rewatchable movie because of the extra effort in writing, building the characters and having capable actors bring something more to the table. You can have both you know. But you hate that and only cardboard cut out characters are needed so we can watch a boring ass movie, with flat characters we don't care live or die and a bit of CGI in between dialogue scenes explaining the fake science. >You clearly have looked into the news of TikTok being banned. Whats that got to do with Twister being a character-driven movie? >It's like calling me a racist. For saying you consume social media? LMAO I'm out. Cya moron. Why do you propose that I care what you think? Are people not allowed to "discuss" movies on a discussion board for movies? You've contradicted yourself multiple times. You clearly haven't watched this movie or paid attention between flicking through tic tok stories. >It's simply about chasing tornadoes. Shawshank Redemption is simply about a wrongly accused man in prison. Jaws is just about a shark. Not much else. Brody's wife is unneeded to the overall plot of chasing the shark. We don't need to see Brodys kids, or family life, or the islanders, or island politics. It's simply a shark hunt movie. The rest they should cut out. Dune is simply about a boy who goes to a desert planet and rides a sand snake. Lord of the Rings is simply about a midget walking a ring to a volcano and chucking it in. Simply a Buffoon. View all replies >