So how is it?

Like I'm genuinely asking. The trailers looked so meh to me tbh.

One of the few times that a superhero project didn't really excite me. Like at all

And the reception for it so far has been pretty mixed to negative. Which is just putting me off.


This was completely off my radar, but I like Mark Millar so I gave it a chance. Much more paced like watchmen, as someone else compared it to, but it isn't watchmen, although few things are. 3 episodes in, but I'm enjoying it.


I don’t like this, it’s just not my thing. No hate to those that do at all. I thought I would share that in my opinion this series in tone, style and storyline is VERY similar to Green Arrow.


Dman ... now I'm really torn. I love Mark Millar stuff but detest the CW Arrowverse.


To my surprise I actually enjoy it ...


For me it wasn't really that great it tries to be Watchmen but fails. Somehow they also try to tell the story by jumping from present to the past and back which IMO doesn't really do any good to the show's pacing.

You can call it "The Confused Superheros !" show because weirdly for superheros that were on Earth since the 1920s it took them ages to have children and they still act like amateurs.
