MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > Mother is the husband. Husband is the w...

Mother is the husband. Husband is the wife.

I'm getting really tired of gender reversal on so many shows. While the mother is running around like G.I. Jane the husband is on the verge of baking a pie. "Oh honey stop with your silly bible stuff and studies" "ok dear".


I'm getting tired of people who live with olden ways of thinking. I'm sure you'd love to return to a time when women "knew their place" and were in the kitchen, barefoot, pregnant fixing you a sandwich! And the "negros" were picking your cotton, but we are long past that. I revel in the fact you disgusting dinosaurs are upset and want to "take America back" and "make America great(white) again". Fact is, Drumpf won't save you, nothing will. You are a dying breed not aware it's dead.


Yup. Trump really means "Make America White Again."


This horrible programming is "Modern Family" with blood and weapons. And not nearly as fun as that sounds.


Except it never was White to start with...



Actually a lot of families are like that, thousands of women are in the services and their husbands are not. I was in the Air Force and my husband loves to do the cooking.


"Actually a lot of families are like that, thousands of women are in the services and their husbands are not. I was in the Air Force and my husband loves to do the cooking."

Sure, but is every military member the wife and every husband the stay at home guy? Of course not, but the way that many shows these days invariably portray women as larger than life role models for women who want to kick a++ and look good whilst doing it, you would think so. Men are involved in writing these shows so why do the same stereotype roles keep appearing in new shows? Because the network tells them that is what they want and the network tells them that because that is what the advertisers want and the advertisers tell them that because they figure that they can get women to spend more money on their products. That's all it is, advertisers buying air time looking for maximum return on their investment. The original Hulu, Netflix, Amazon shows are a world apart from the manipulative dross spewed out by networks these days, mainly because the streaming companies do not have to pander to advertisers.


fortunately for you there's some 90+ years of content with only stereotypical gender roles for you to watch instead. There's always a whiny mens rights pussy to complain every time they see a woman acting a little tough instead of breaking down crying, as they should.


Yes, because men shouldn't have rights and not be degraded. What a tolerant little liberal you are. Now go play with the unicorns and butterflies. Bye bye now.


Go back to the bathroom and resume playing with your little TRUMPet.


If a woman being more competent than you at a particular task makes you feel degraded, you should probably get counseling.


"fortunately for you there's some 90+ years of content with only stereotypical gender roles for you to watch instead. There's always a whiny mens rights pussy to complain every time they see a woman acting a little tough instead of breaking down crying, as they should."

You can always tell a woman in a forum by their posts. They go from 0 - bitching in about a nanosecond. Look at your post, is that a reasoned riposte? I don't think so. I made a reasonable post and you come in with both guns blazing. OK then dearie, as your post was so ladylike it's gloves off. Try waiting until your PMT is over before posting; it may make you appear less of a drama queen.

Hope that helps.


Ha, how would you know what is reasonable? You're obviously a sexist bonehead, as made very obvious by your response.


Aw, such a shame, some more girlies chucking their toys out of the pram and stamping their feet. I feel your pain, I really do, I just don't give a toss. It saddens me greatly to think that some poor SOB is going to be stuck with one of you snapdragons for the rest of his life. Clue: Why do you think God created bars?

Hope that helps.


That is why I tend to ignore most of their comments to me. They are irrational women and no amount of explaining things to them will change that. They are just going to freak out and lash out. They also have no grasp on reality. So leave them in their self loathing fantasy world where they think they got one over on someone. The best thing you can do is ignore an irrational woman it eats at her.


Sounds like a cop-out to me, you whiny little bitch  At least you can drop the pretense now and go full pig, you never fooled anyone to begin with.


What a sad, boring, knuckle-dragger you are. You sound like you're trying your best to be as cliché as possible. I'm sorry this decade is too much for you and your fragile ego, and the only way to distract you from constant worry over your inadequacies is anonymous internet message boards. I'm sorry there's no room for a real life Andy Capp in 2016, but the world can't wait for your tiny brain to evolve.


Yeah i blame Ripley lol

The anti gun stuff as well - is this a libtard production?

Its uncle Frank Kirsty!
Its time to play!

Soon, we will all have special names!


Well that's how stupid the general public is. It's not just tv shows. It's all over pop culture. We have things like gender reversals, and making race quota's, and the majority applauds it as progressive; or even worse, they think it's justified because of things that happened before we were alive.

If people were smarter they wouldn't be doing these sorts of things. Unfortunately the general public doesn't comprehend the actual definition of equality.


I figured that out last night while I was watching the latest episode. It really comes across as forced, and both characters come across as twats as a result. (Seriously, mom -- lose the damn sunglasses.)


I'm sick of it too. TV is not about reflecting the changes going on in society.

Shows like Lone Survivor where a Woman becomes President and the husband who is top lawyer has to be subservient.

Or the comedy Kevin Can Wait. The wife is a retired police person and Kevin James is a school nurse.

I wish there was some way that I could not be subjected to these shows. If I only had some magic device that would turn them off or and this is total fantasy, change what I'm watching to a different thing.

But that kind of thing is not even believable as Science Fiction.

All the best to all


For "gender role reversal" to be a thing, and a problematic thing no less, first you have to believe that traditional gender roles make sense, and that they are universally applicable, or should be. If you do, you're gonna have to explain that position to me, because what I see are an ex marine acting like an ex marine would, and an academic acting like an academic would. I don't see how gender trumps everything else that goes into making a person who they are. You HAVE noticed that people are different, right? Some are introverted, some highly social, some are thoughtful and withdrawn, others bold and quick and loud, some are pacifist, others are aggressive, etc. etc. Lots of personality traits exist and converge in different people in any number of complex configurations. Some traits are statistically more likely to coincide with others, and with this or that gender, but you can't apply statistical probability to individuals. Statistical probabilities aren't rules.

Or... "Girls are docile, boys are macho, pink and blue, end of story, I have spoken, grr."

I can understand how a simplified world view can be restful to the mind...
