
Has anyone heard whether this is going to get renewed or not?


As far as I've heard, it seems to be still up in the air. I hope it gets renewed.

~ the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it ~


hope it does.
still liking this
must be one the cheaper shows to make to unlike the space ones.


I stick with most mediocre SyFy shows long after most people have given up and written them off but in this case I'll be happy to see this turd go away. Its awful which bums me out because I really liked it at the beginning.


Has anyone heard whether this is going to get renewed or not?

I don't know if it will get renewed, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that it will end on a cliffhanger.

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If it's the entire Copeland family hanged by their necks off the cliff until their eyes explode and their bowels evacuate I'm in.


Mary Sue needs to get it first


This show seems to pull down consistent numbers (500k) and Syfy has renewed shows with worse ratings. Last season of 12 Monkeys had (400k) and it got a 3rd season. Killjoys and Dark matter only get (600k). Both renewed. The bar is not that high on this channel. And don't expect things to get much better. Unless it's related to Harry Potter, Fastest/Furyanest or their movie monster cinematic universe type adventures, NBCU is just not going to fork out much money for it.


Guys and gals it wasnt that bad at all. It was much better than many of the mainstream series. For example: Walking dead, the new season is boring as hell except the first episode. it was unable to catch my attention after thatseason premier.


this show is so much fun, they are all insane. I get such a kick out of the rebel twin dressing up like a hood and doing newfound ninja fighting skills running around with a giant hand cannon .

How can anyone hate this?



It's a bad-good show like Z Nation (which was renewed) so I hope we don't get stuck with something unfinished.


Well if they don't renew it it won't be the end of the world


It will show there is sanity in the world. Aftermath was shamefully bad in every respect. Not even for a moment was there even an approximation of competence in any aspect of its production. It is utter garbage. It has nothing to redeem it.
