
Has anyone heard whether this is going to get renewed or not?


Aftermath was cancelled last week by both Sci Fi (US) and Space (Canada).



Funny. I just said to my wife last night, "There's no way in hell this is getting another season."

First of all, as a Veteran, the entire idea of an Air Force Special Forces female is a joke. The military JUST approved some female enrollment in combat related MOS' so it's a bit too soon for the general public to take this seriously.

The lack of hiring an actual military consultant on how to perform simple things such as proper aiming, taking off your shades while engaging the enemy, the weird moment where the 16-year-old female kissed the much older male - he's clearly in his 20's which I'm sure isn't legal.

Good riddance Aftermath


Show was cancelled this week. It started off interesting, and it just. got. weird.


I will miss this series. It was original and interesting. I found it no worse than the crap that is on air now.Hawaii 5O ran off the rails after character Lou McBride kidnapped and tortured his former police partner murderer.Blue Bloods is still on the air despite it's political correctness.I did stop watching Van Helsing.It's sad that networks waste time overhyping shows that are garbage but cancel decent ones. Sometimes I think I'm the last one to notice this. That's just my two cents.


Wikipedia says it's been cancelled. Surprise, surprise

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
