MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > What I've Learned from Aftermath

What I've Learned from Aftermath

1. Aviator shades aren't just for sunny days.

2. You can pick up fully automatic weapons at the local gun store.

3. Air Force special operations guys are combat-trained commandoes.

4. Skinny white chicks can be bad-ass AF special operators.

5. Wayne Brady can be a bad-ass AF special operator.

6. You don't need to aim a gun.

7. No training or practice is necessary to become proficient with all manner of firearms.

8. Having gasoline in plastic jugs strapped to the top of your RV while bullets are being shot at you presents no danger whatsoever.

9. Have your aviator shades on you at all times.

10. Amish guys weren't made for these end days.

11. When you need to bust through a chained gate, just drive your RV (your only form of transportation) through it. It'll bust through, the chains won't hold.

12. An RV that's been treated like a tank will show no signs of wear and tear.


such a great show. cult classic already. we cant let them kill it


83. Even though one dose didn't work for long on other feverheads, one dose of tetra and dad is good as new!

84. "Nothing's happened" holds vastly different meanings for different people.

85. Saying the moon rocks won't land near you is the cue for the SFX dude to launch the moon rocks.

86. In the aftermath, pickings are slim and unless you are in Arkansas, go for the suicidal girl vs a relative.

87. Nothing like a moon rock shower to turn that no into a yes.

88. The decision to make out vs seeking cover runs in the family. I can see why they have three kids now, surprised they don't have more.

89. President Reagan's 9 most terrifying words in the English language proved true again even in the aftermath: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.

90. The budget didn't allow for a Charger or even a 200K mile Crown Victoria, so the FDEM dudes had to settle for an 80's Malibu.

91. When you work for the FDEM, don't bother to wear your FDEM jacket until your final scenes. Everyone up until then will know you are from the government.

92. The FDEM rivals the NSA for data collection, but are inferior. While they know who every unbalanced female sitting alongside the road is before they get out of the car, they have to use the term Plague Man/RV Man for the dad.

93. Highly-trained FDEM dudes seeking to restore the country will allow an unbalanced woman with no skills to survive but will gank a person with medical skills. Government efficiency still applies in the aftermath.

94. Doc Simmons should have used better gun thugs. They were probably out scrounging for more ammo so they could fire it full-auto some more.

95. If you are a USAF special ops veteran, you'll have memorized the total deployment history of all units over the past 50 plus years. Either that or those shades really are magical.

96. A phone is more worrisome than the assault rifle that is raised in your direction.

97. We can't get everything back.

98. Dana is the smartest person in or out of the RV.

99. Other sci-fi show title drops heard in this episode: Rectify (2013) and Continuum (2012). Can't hurt the ratings any by saying them.

100. The falling debris will let up long enough for the important scenes. Either that or the SFX dude ran out of money or fell asleep.

101. Small towns in Idaho are known for their well stocked electronics stores.

102. All radio signal trackers look alike, so as to make finding them in electronic stores easier.

103. Even though everyone else has to use multiple receivers to triangulate a radio signal, dad can do it with only one.

104. It's more cost-effective to use the same character aged 54 years than to cast a new one as the security guard.

105. Small towns in Idaho are not known for having any gas stations or vehicles from which to siphon gas.

106. Why don't you try your radio tracker? Well it could be that it's of no use since the radio dude wasn't broadcasting then. Dad was just being polite by suggesting they wait until dark.

107. Dana is no longer the smartest person outside the RV.

108. What kind of wave would cause all this? Computer cards? The real unanswered question: How many more episodes until we're canceled?

109. Next title drop: Scary Movie (2000). You can bet this show will be parodied in Scary Movie 6 when it comes out.

110. Highly-trained FDEM dudes realize the value of the phrase "If you're going to shoot, shoot. Don't talk." Apparently this was not well known in Vietnam.

111. Highly-trained FDEM dudes will overlook the dude they just ganked aging over 50 years in a matter of seconds.

112. Radio signal trackers sound a lot like Geiger counters and look a lot like multimeters.

113. Idaho is well known for having mineral plants that are easily converted to a Tesla facility and come equipped with killer sound effects libraries.

114. Highly-trained FDEM dudes don't need a radio signal tracker, and are cross-trained as ninjas for silent approach.

115. Just like with the crazy nurse, when you have a second gun and your husband is being threatened by a highly-trained FDEM dude, don't pull until after they leave.

116. When you are a USAF special ops vet and you only have 2 rounds left, waste them shooting at your only viable means of transporting the family.

117. FDEM job descriptions cover the aftermath so that highly-trained FDEM dudes will know what to do.

118. Pulling a high voltage line with bare hands will not result in any injury.

119: Blonde moment: You didn't tell me pulling the power cable would put out the lights!

120. Should they survive the aftermath, Matt can find work as either a motivational speaker or a suicide hot line call taker.

121. When you're a USAF special ops veteran and trying to sneak up on some highly-trained FDEM dudes, yell Josh! at the top of your lungs a couple of times.

122. When a skinwalker is chasing both of you, the best thing to do is split up.

123. High voltage lines at modified mineral plants are easily reconnectable.

124. When you have no idea what a switch does, just throw it.

125. As with single-dose tetra miracle cures, single-shock skinwalker cures can be had.

126. There is almost as much arguing here as there was at the Clinton-Trump debate.

127. Cars are easily overlooked at tesla-converted mineral plants.

128. To escape from flex cuffs, just fall to the ground.

129. Citing your parent's dating history is a good reason to run off into the woods alone.

130. Some things never change. If you don't confirm the kill, the bad guy will resurrect and threaten you again.

131. Louis Ferreira finally appeared! I bet he wishes Motive (2013) was still on, I know I do.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters
