MovieChat Forums > The Nun (2018) Discussion > One thing every "exorcist" movies lack

One thing every "exorcist" movies lack

The presence of holy, angelic forces which counterpoints the demonic, sinister ones. It's quite depressing that in every similar movies mortal men try to stop immortal forces (many times with faith) and they fail almost every time (or at the best they achieve an OK result which of course leaves the story open for a sequel).


Yes I quite agree with you, movies of this type usually have us mere mortals contending with demonic or supernatural forces that are so terrifying they make us cringe & lose all hope just by beholding them.

We often times fail, get slaughtered, possessed or otherwise seriously messed up in the fight against the devil & his minions.

Pitiful souls that we are, we stand not only to lose our lives but something much more worse when we go toe to toe with such entities.

The way these movie usually end, the devil either wins or loses by only dumb luck on our part, but yet once more I understand & agree with your frustration because said movies NEVER have a stronger & capable “opposing side”.

The devil walks around with his big you know what out but nary is there an appearance of an angel or the LORD to put him in his place & save his children.

Kinda tells you what we think of God in our society these days, that we don’t regard him of a caring & protecting father of any kind but rather an armchair general, a lounge lizard as it were reclining on a heavenly sofa, eating popcorn watching this all go on.

Not me! I want a God that’s got the pimphand & walks in at the right moment dressed like a gangster that lays the smack down on any b!tch demonic Nun or anything else that thinks they can get away with hurting his children.

My God can deal & serve up some m’fers. He’s as tough as any thug & can set things straight & kick some asses when need be. What’s with these whiny weak ass punks trying to wrestle with the devil?

One of the “Wishmaster” movies had the victim “wish” for the help of the archangel Michael who appeared to help her out, so I give that movie credit with finding a way to introduce “angelic assistance” But you’re right, these movie are downers


"Insidious 3" is also a counterexample, I've watched that movie just after I wrote this post.

But yeah, it's depressing and I'm not even religious.


The idea is that God expects humans to use faith to protect themselves and everyone in these movies has fear and lack of faith in general. If they had unlimited faith they would be unstoppable but they let fear and manipulation distract them from the truth. God will destroy evil if you let god save you and trust his power. Just a thought tbh.

Haven't finished the film. Still watching. But every other movie has characters who let their faith wane even though they see the supernatural which is a sign god exists. Ergo you should have unlimited and ultimate faith and never lose to evil like this.


This movie did have angelic forces helping. The initiate nun had visions (Mary points the way), and the ghost nuns told her about the history of the demon nun and how to defeat her.


That, and also they all helped Sister Irene pray as well. Valak destroyed a lot of them, but the "Angel nuns" actually did help in this movie.
