MovieChat Forums > The Lion King (2019) Discussion > The curious case of racial quotas in voi...

The curious case of racial quotas in voice actors

The majority of voice actors in this movie are black. Because, you know, race is an key element when it comes to voice actors playing wild animals that live in Africa...


I like how the original it showed true non-racial decisions, based fully on talent and effectiveness - having some voice actors be black for when the characters were kids, and white when adults. Race played no part, and why would it? That was the direction we should have been heading in, and I thought we were heading in, until all this regressive SJW stuff started to take hold.


One things I learned several years ago was that voice acting is a skill and not a skill that every actor possesses. We assume that they do but if you've ever listened to audiobooks or audio dramas you know that this lack of skill can make or break any production.
Politics aside; if you go for a quota or a big name celebrity rather than talent than the end result will be mediocre at best.
I think many of Disney's new productions suffers from the bland lack of expression in visuals and voice.
They just need to hire the most, white, yellow...doesn't matter. Shouldn't matter.


Shouldn’t they have hired African actors and not just black actors to voice the characters since the story and characters are based in African culture and not race. It would be like casting American actors to play in a movie about King Arthur.
