MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019) Discussion > Villains - Do I remember rightly ...

Villains - Do I remember rightly ...

... that the Lizard was due to be the villain in Spider-man 4, and Vulture was due to be villain in Amazing Spider-man 3? I'm pretty sure on the former, somewhat sure on the latter.


They made Spider-Man 3, though I don't blame you for forgetting it. I wish I could... oh wait, nevermind, you mean the Amazing trilogy. They dropped hints as to the Sinister Six showing up, and they did show a set of Vulture wings at one point.

The talk I remember was of casting Bruce Campbell as Mysterio for Spider-Man 4, while also including the Lizard. I don't remember talk of the Vulture showing up in Raimi's films.


The Lizard was the obvious choice for Spider-man 3 but I've read more than once that Raimi wanted the Vulture. There were even talks with John Malkovich about playing him.


Raimi wanted the Lizard and Vulture for SM 4. For SM 3, he only wanted Sandman and Harry Osborn but the studio forced him to throw Venom in there as well.


Yes, the final plan of Raimi's for Spider-Man 3 before Sony forced Venom into the film was to have Sandman and Vulture as villains. They were to be prison cellmates and break out together. Vulture would have either stolen tech or previously worked at Oscorp and used some of the goblin's retro flight tech to make the flying suit. then the climax would be Vulture versus Harry/Goblin 2 in the sky while Spider-Man versus Sandman took place on the ground.


Just can’t wait until many of the major Spidey villains we haven’t seen in this franchise show up. But those that have never been in a live action movie like Mysterio? I’m more thrilled for that. Gyllenhaal as Mysterio I feel is going to be one of the best villains in not just a Spider-Man film, but in any superhero film.


Oh, and all the villains that are rumored to be in this sequel and will possibly make up the Sinister Six? Yess!!!


We need Kraven!


We do! The problem is, Sony (good ol’ Sony!) is currently developing a solo Kraven film and apparently Spidey is set to appear in it. So naturally that means there’s no way Kraven can join the gang of villains in Far From Home, right? (FFH is a Marvel Studios-produced film after all). I would be extremely surprised if he does.

BUT! Kraven being introduced in this Spider-Man sequel before he appears in his own spin-off film could really build buzz for the character’s movie (plus it would make sense), so you can’t rule out an appearance by him completely. Call it wishful thinking but we’ll see.
