Weasel’s weiner!


It’s tough to spot on first viewing because he’s very furry *down there*, and also because there aren’t a ton of full-body shots of Weasel to work with. But you can see it in two shots when he’s first introduced — when he’s getting out of the armored prisoner transport, and when Team 1 does their hero shot of everybody in a line walking toward the camera. I’ve got screengrabs for you that I brightened so it’s easier to see.


Thanks for that mate, you've made my day. Weasel's one-eyed willy wonka may seem like no big deal but it's not the size that matters as proven by Bloodsport's bullet.
I'm happy to know there are people who were paying such close attention to the details of a character that I instantly fell in love with.
As a matter of fact, I got a thing for totally useless superheroes and Weasel and T.D.K. (Nathan Fillion) have become my absolute favourites. Speaking of which, Nathan Fillion's "Wrong Ryan" was my absolute favourite character in Saving Private Ryan too. So much so that when Matt Damon was revealed to be the "right Ryan" I wanted to slap the shit out of his "Yes, I'm the man with the right stuff" face.


He can compete with Deadpools willie.
