What was the point?

Ailes probably did sexually harass women, but he was never convicted so I don’t understand how you make a movie destroying the guy based on allegations. It’s supposed innocent until proven guilty.


not anymore


You're old-fashioned.


Nope it says it in the constitution.


I agree with you. I was being sarcastic about the slandering that exists as evidence in modern times. Now that I think about those who advocate that believe the constitution is old-fashioned.


Um, the constitution protects free speech.

And remember Megan Kelly has him on tape. She taped all of their conversations, so he's guilty. Let it go, guy.


Gretchen Carlson taped the conversations, not Megyn Kelly.


They're appeasing two groups.....technically one and the same. The liberals and the "#metoo movement". Why do you think you're only seeing a movie about FOX News and not Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein....?


Go ahead and write an interesting story about Matt Lauer, one of the most boring people to ever get a high profile broadcast.

It will be interesting to see us anytime has the clout to make a Weinstein movie - that story is still playing out in court.


The Weinstein saga will definitely become a movie one day, for better or worse it’s been a defining moment of the century so far.


not to libs...... they see "fox news", and their IQ level drops from 65 to around 50


Why not destroy the guy? It's an easy way to crack the glass ceiling.


He was never convicted because he died.

Nothing but allegations. Dozens of allegations by women knowing it would destroy their careers. And dozens more who knew and covered it up who have told their stories. And tape recordings.


Since sexual harassment is a tort and not a crime, "innocent until proven guilty" is not how it works.


Tell that to Harvey Weinstein.


Harvey Weinstein's on trial for rape, not sexual harrassment.


Are you under the impression that a movie is a criminal sentence?
