
If it smells like wokeness then its probably is wokeness.

It was so weird to see how modern day Kahndaq was occupied by some "mercenaries gangs". Or something. Who were behaving like ordinary terrorists or like in some African country militia people keep gaining control. And then they all start speaking with British accents and it very obvious that its British who occupied that country :)

There is no way it was like that in the comics, I thought. Its too ridiculous. And of course trere was no clown "mercenaries gangs".

By modern times, Kahndaq fell under the rule of dictator Asim Muhunnad, who was eventually overthrown by Black Adam and a group of former Justice Society of America members

For some reason they were afraid to make Kahndaq be ruled by some local dictator so they made up some ridiculous "british mercenaries".

Were they afraid to kill "people of color" even if they are villains? Is this what it came down to? Were they afraid to be called racists for killing hundreds of villain henchmen so they made them white british because its "okey to kill whites" or something? No one will call them racist for that?
