MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > Tim Miller Quote which proves he should ...

Tim Miller Quote which proves he should never have been anywhere near this

"There was a lot of talk at the really early stages of should this new savior be someone who was connected to the Connors? Should it be John’s daughter or something like that? Which I was always against, because I’m just not a fan of the Chosen One sort of movie as much as I am of a hero sort of rising to meet adversity, who could be an everyman or an everywoman".

This encapsulates everything that is wrong with the direction taken in this film - Getting it wrong in thinking you can bring something to the table by not being interested in a "chosen one" in a series which is pretty much entirely about protecting the survival of THE chosen one is laughable enough.

However just that comment about their early stage discussions around who should be the new saviour says it all. It's like the TFA rehash criticism all over again. Replace John Connor with Dani Ramos, replace Skynet with Legion, replace The Empire with The First Order, Luke with Rey, etc. Doesn't matter if it doesn't stack up against the previous films, as long as it's the copy / paste elements of the previous films are in place!


This Movie is bad and Rotten Tomatoes just lost credibility with me how did it jump from 43 to 84 impossible.


Captain Marvel should have done this lol.


Wow, an 84% audience rating now? As if RT hadn't lost enough credibility, this is just an absolute JOKE.


I am telling you people who like it DONT generally post about it.


Miller is a typical edgelord asshole. Hollyweird has been overtaken by them.


So he just wants to do the savior idea but call it something it's not?!

What's the difference between saying "Hey John Connor you're gonna be the savior of humanity!" vs. "Hey random girl you're gonna be the savior of humanity!"

John Connor was living as the "everyman" trouble making teenager in Terminator 2. He wasn't living a privileged savior life. The same with the girl.

It's not apples and oranges. It's apples and apples.

All Tim Miller did was replace one savior with another. Some people are so desperate to prove they are different they resort to denigration of the other thing to raise their own selves or ideas.

That disrespect is woven into the movie.

People like that shouldn't be making Hollywood movies. Yet they're all over the place in the media.

Also in what movie is the savior character ever not the "everyman" from the start? Luke Skywalker was a farmer. Neo was a cubicle dweller. Ripley was a space trucker.

John Connor was a messed up kid who probably didn't know if his mom was telling the truth or crazy.

I would have liked to see a movie that has John Connor with a "normal" job and family (as if somehow that makes you a lesser person?!). Having to struggle with his memories and questioning whether the terminators were real or not. Then throw some action in. Show respect to the character first.


I would have liked to see a movie as John Connor with a "normal" job and family (as if somehow that makes you a lesser person?!). Having to struggle with his memories and questioning whether the terminators were real or not. Then throw some action in. Show respect to the character first

Ha! I like the sound of that - A Joker style character study of PTSD John Connor... But don't throw in any action, that's all there is to it!

Terminator: Aftermath


Totally agree with all of this.

Probably the single biggest reason this movie has no interest for me was the decision to kill him off.


Just hope he doesn't direct Matrix 4. He'd kill Neo off in a heartbeat and give it to some migrant or politically woke person.


I have to disagree with you. I thought this film is deeper than most give it credit for.

Most people on the board just see the SJW angle, get all frazzeled and ignore other fine aspects.

I have always admired the Terminator in a way. It's stoic manner/self -reliant/efficent and goal oriented nature are an ethos that I have tried to incorporate in my life.

I have always wondered what does the Terminator do AFTER it completes it's mission? I always assumed it would self- destruct. This movie answers that question.

I am also amazed at the lack of empathy shown to Sara Conner on this board. The character should have drank herself into Oblivion after all she when through. Her resilent nature shown at the end of the film was nothing short of amazing.


OMG - what would happen after a terminator completed it's mission? Well anything but becoming an interior decorator - that's what. So no, it definitely doesn't answer that question in any intelligent manner.

Amazed at Sarah - yikes. Her character was so poorly written - the biggest letdown of the movie for me. Personally, I think she would have drank herself to death early on or just outright killed herself. She really had no reason to keep on living. Even if you accept her path in DF, she should have been kooky crazy and intense, but she just seemed kind of normal - just a little too normal for the situation, IMHO.


Agreed - unfortunately, apologists won't ever quit defending this turd.


Well, SJW angles asides, the attempt just to re-hash the original plot meaning jettisoning John Connor to accommodate a "new saviour" from which point a copy / paste could be done doesn't seem particularly deep to me...

However each to there own. As to a Terminator who completes his / HER mission - find a cave / dig a hole and power down until the correct year comes back around? A bit like Doc leaving the Delorean waiting from 1885 to 1955...


because I’m just not a fan of the Chosen One sort of movie

But that's the entire point of the terminator franchise. You already know in the present what people from the past were important. It has nothing to do with "Chosen one".

Someone HAD to be the one that wins the war so obviously that's the person you wanna kill in the past.

If he truly believed his crap, he'd have terminators sent back in time to randomly kill every single human they can.
