A Remake of XMen Last Stand

In Last Stand she becomes a powerful dark phoenix and wolverine (hugh) is the only one who can kill her because he healed as he burned. So here we are again with their last movie and their doing the same story. Remake again. All I see in her is Game of Thrones anyway. Maybe John Snow will do a crossover in Xen Dark Phoenix the Not Last Remake


All this time, it's a wonder they never touched including Genosha into the films.


It is a story from the comics that is:
a. Overrated
b. Too large to fit into a 2 hr format

They think that because it is so well known that it is the direction they should go. Nope. This was the movie where they could have gone to something more doable and far more interesting like Morlocks, Reavers, Genosha, Upstarts, Omega Red, The Brood, or even Arcade or Mojo. But nope, they gave us the vague Apocalypse and now the so-big-it's-boring Dark Phoenix story AGAIN.
