MovieChat Forums > Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) Discussion > The agenda is real at the award shows

The agenda is real at the award shows

Swept the sag awards, now so far winning everything at the oscars, just watch every single actor win the oscar, watch it win best picture. Utter bullshit, others nominated getting screwed over due to Hollywood wanting to push their latest agenda that now Chinese actors can be big stars.

Literally everytime the actors are up for nominations i know they're winning right away at every award show, its no contest, this shit is beyond rigged. I don't know how the actors can accept these awards thinking they actually deserve them when its just Hollywood pushing their China agenda.


Harrison Ford just so happened to be the presenter... but not stage managed at all.


Harrison Ford is liberal he is not one of you thank goodness


One of what? Come on, knowing the Oscars is mostly a commercial for the American film industry and heavily stage managed hardly makes one conservative. Whether it deserved it or not isn't my issue, it's just very obvious Ford being the presenter for that specific category was not a coincidence.


One of what?

A Racist Repblikkkan like yoursellf you and your kind pollute this board delete your account NOW


I like Kwan and am happy he won. I haven't seen any of this years nominees so don't care one way or the other, ayway. Still stage managed though.

You're making a lot of sweeping generalizations and assumptions about someone you've never even met and know fuck all about there, chief.


staged managed 1923 wrapped and Indy 5 DoD Opens iin a few months not Stage Managed at all save that for the conspiracy nutcases who have no sense of reality


So, they just picked Harrison Ford's name at random from a hat? It's not that they were essentially 100% certain who the winner would be (and thus who the presenter should be)?


most of voters havent even seen a majority of the oscar nominated fillms not Staged or scripted Facts


Why bother seeing them if much of it is pre- decided?


neither the 95th Academy Awarrds or Super Bowl LVII were pre-decided your losiig crediblty everytime you respond i told you the Facts EEAO is BP Winner just as The 2022 KC Chiefs arre your SB 57 Winner


You actually have to play the game and score points in front of a live audience to win a game. It's not impossible to rig a football game but very difficult to do in such a way that you can guarantee an outcome. An awards show by it's very nature is subjective in terms of what constitutes winner and losing. The voting is by secret ballot and we have only their word it is free and fair.


DemoKKKrats started the KKK after Republicans freed the slaves, SHIT STAIN.


Everyone knows that the parties reversed positions on this, SHIT STAIN.


How sad that you feel the need to complain about Asians and Asian-Americans winning Oscars. You need to find some kind of joy in your miserable life.
